Yearly Archives: 2013

Create Your Federal Future in 3 Easy Steps

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Here are three steps to supercharge your talent: 1 – Find the # 1 “thinker” in your industry and sign up or download every free resource they offer. This will give you cutting-edge insights about your industry and helpRead… Read more »

Could Congress Pass A Budget in Bitcoins?

The New York Times calls them a “soaring, slightly scary virtual currency.” NPR described the phenomenon as “a lot like cash- for the online universe. It doesn’t actually exist in the physical world.” New Economic Perspectives mentioned many dismiss this emerging technology as “a Ponzi scheme.” If you have not guessed by now, we areRead… Read more »

USDA, Navy to Discuss Future Biofuel Procurement

The departments of the Agriculture and Navy are set to announce new biofuel procurement opportunities at a summit scheduled for Sunday through Wednesday in San Diego. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus will make the announcement from Washington via teleconference, trade association and summit host BIO said Monday. Chris Tindal, director opfRead… Read more »

Service Desk Software Helps the Developmentally Disabled in the Buckeye State

Government agencies are ditching their old habits and implementing new service desk software in hopes of more cost effective solutions to consolidate and optimize their help desk. The Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) based in Ohio, “The Buckeye State” was established to maintain applications for roughly 2,000 employees and provide customer support for over 10,000Read… Read more »

FY14: Savings, Savings, Savings

In our most recent blog post, we shared how much money federal agencies and taxpayers save by using GSA’s Networx program. And while it’s a significant amount of money, there’s more to the savings story. Across government we are challenged with constrained budgets and acquisition resources while simultaneously focused on improving procurement and ultimately deliveringRead… Read more »

New CommunityMatters Conference Call Series Starts Thursday

We are excited to share that our partners at CommunityMatters, in collaboration with the Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design, are launching a new conference call series on moving community projects from planning through completion called “Making it Happen”. Their first call, “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper”, will take place this Thursday, December 12th from 4-5pm Eastern Time.Read… Read more »

Improving crime prevention and awareness with data and analytics

Crime prevention and awareness techniques are changing and data, analytics and use of technology is making a difference. While law enforcement departments continue to face issues related to data – ranging from working with outdated information, inability to share data across departments, and difficulty in collapsing data for analysis – a new trend is emergingRead… Read more »

Coding: All the Cool Kids Are Doing It

Teenagers are fairly notorious for making poor decisions. With the power of Facebook, I have many opportunities to look back at the outfits I wore as a teenager and cringe. However, your teenage years can also be the beginning of the passions and interests that guide your career. I became interested in government through participationRead… Read more »