Yearly Archives: 2013

Notes from the field: BetaNYC #BikeHack

This week, BetaNYC partnered with OpenShift to demonstrate the swift ability to take a GitHub repo and spin up a number of CitiBike tools. In a developing partnership with NYU Rudin and an ongoing partnership with OpenPlans, civic hackers shared their tools, apps, and problems working with @CitiBikeNYC and #BikeNYC data. We were honored toRead… Read more »

Memorable Management Moments

There’s quite a bit of discourse regarding management. From Forbes and the Harvard Business Review to TED and the countless how-to books out there, various resources are advising us on how to become a better manager. While there are many experts providing great advice, I don’t actually look to a Forbes columnist to tell meRead… Read more »

Thought No. 11: Requirements Development—the Blocking and Tackling of Federal Procurement

This week marks the beginning of the local football season with high schools and youth leagues beginning camps and tryouts—and YES, the Green Bay Packers are “in camp” too! As such it is appropriate to focus on Thought No. 11 of the Thirteen Thoughts for 2013: Requirements Development—the blocking and tackling of federal procurement. JustRead… Read more »

Bright Spots in Government: VA Acquisition Academy’s Program Management Fellows Initiative

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. In a recent GovLoop survey of acquisition professionals, seven out of ten respondents said the most important factor forRead… Read more »

Many state and local government workers (despite cuts the last few years) Report Job Satisfaction

Here’s the stats from the Governing article: Overall, how satisfied are you with your job/working conditions? Response Percentage Very satisfied 38% Somewhat satisfied 40% Somewhat dissatisfied 16% Very dissatisfied 6% Please rate your satisfaction regarding your organization’s performance in providing the following: Rating Very Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Work/life balance 36% 50%Read… Read more »

How Do You Manage Millennials? Inspire, Adapt, Accept? – Insights from the NextGen Summit

Last week GovLoop was proud to co-host the Next Generation of Government Training Summit with Young Government Leaders. More than 500 young government professionals descended on the JW Marriott for a two day training summit that featured over 100 speakers. For anyone in attendance there was one thing that was crystal clear, these young peopleRead… Read more »

Bureaucracy, Tool Or Excuse?

Story One – A friend is going through a job change. She was working on getting out more, and walked in to an Arlington County job assistance center in Ballston. She wanted to leave invitations for a free job search techniques presentation by a nationally known outplacement consultant that was being given in DC. ARead… Read more »

Courageous Followership Research

Colleagues, Fellow National Association of Government Communicators member Jane CaultonHead reached out to our president, Glen Thomas, for help with a research project supporting her Ph.D. studies in Organizational Leadership at Regent University. With his approval and support, she is now asking for our help with her research exploring the culture of courageous followers asRead… Read more »

The 2014 Fellowship Applicants

Code for America’s 2014 Fellowship application closed at midnight last night and we’re happy to announce that 658 talented individuals applied for the program. To those of you who applied — thank you so much for your dedication to civic tech. You will be receiving an email from us shortly with next steps. For thoseRead… Read more »