Yearly Archives: 2013

Get A LinkedIn Makeover

Do you feel as though your LinkedIn profile doesn’t reflect your attributes? Joel Petino, a representative from LinkedIn, shared with an audience at the NextGen conference break out session how to optimize your profile to make your online self match who you really are. Here are some tips and tricks for maximizing your membership: 1.Read… Read more »

Complete the 2013 Community Management survey for Australia and New Zealand

Quiip and Delib Australia have launched the second annual online community management survey for Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to help local organisations and individuals better understand the skills required to work in these professions, help uncover role challenges, training and support needs and the actual work and salaries that online community managementRead… Read more »

Leadership Lessons from The Little Prince

This post was originally published at Recently, a police officer in Halifax was asked by a pedestrian what they should do about a broken walk signal. The officer replied that they should call the municipality’s phone number, noting that it was illegal to cross the street without a walk signal. Facing an empty street,Read… Read more »

Dan Avery: Why I’m Coding for America

I’m definitely not going to claim that I qualify as an old-school technologist–in the first place, I don’t, and in the second place, there’s always someone who will out-old-school you if you even think about saying that (“Erm. I wrote the first ENIAC emulator for System/360, buddy. So.“). What I will say is that myRead… Read more »

Networking from the Light Side of the Force

How do you feel when you think about networking? Excited? Nervous? Feel like it’s a trap? Let’s think of networking in an alternative way and see how we can then use the new approach to reframe the way we network. Step 1: Know Your Archetypes There are all different types of networkers out there. SomeRead… Read more »

Landmark Disability Law Turns 23: Fight for Equality & Inclusion Continues

In case you missed it, July 26 marked the 23rd anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The groundbreaking statute was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 (pictured above). Since then, the ADA has been instrumental in securing justice and equal opportunity for people with disabilities in all facetsRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After a weak open on Friday morning, it looked like a sure thing that stocks would end the week with some modest losses, but a surge higher in afternoon trading took the Dow into positive territory for the week, while the S&P 500 and small caps were just barely in the red. The buyers continueRead… Read more »

Managing WorkLife Boundaries

In a world of constant access and busy lives, everyone struggles with managing their energy and time. it is difficult to be engaged and effective when overwhelmed and stretched too thin. Many of us are rushing through our days in a blur of activity and connections; managing more roles, with higher expectations and fewer resources.Read… Read more »