Yearly Archives: 2013

How Can Leaders Empower Employees to Develop Compelling Ideas? NextGen Recap from Brian Gryth

Still going strong on day two of the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Here’s a quick recap of the session, Stronger than All the Armies in the World, presented by Brian Gryth, Program Manager of Business Intelligence at the Colorado Department of State. The abstract reads: Victor Hugo said, “there is one thing strongerRead… Read more »

COTS Opportunities within the Financial Management Shared Services Initiative

by Chris Wiedemann, Analyst Last Friday, July 19th, Treasury’s Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (FIT) held a teleconference discussing the financial management shared services initiative, and went over some ground that should prove very interesting to industry – particularly COTS vendors looking to sell financial management solutions. The current federal financial management landscape makesRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Teach People in a Bureaucracy how to Experiment – Keynote from Bryan Sivak

This morning Bryan Sivak, HHS CTO shared the importance of technology in improving health care. In his talk, Bryan discussed how HHS Open Government is spurring healthcare innovation through challenges, open data, and intrapreneurship and shared his vision for the future of health technology. Bryan Sivak joined the Department of Health and Human Services asRead… Read more »

How 2 Live Regret Free

The late great Steve Jobs once said “If today were the last day of my life…would I want to do what I have to do today?” Ben Sands, Founder and CEO of Regret Free Life, shared with the attendees of NextGen 2013 how to life a regret free life and as future leaders how notRead… Read more »

A Promising New Landscape for Health IT

For many people, the mere thought of going to the doctor summons images of long lines, impatient receptionists and complicated insurance billing systems. But the introduction of technology into the healthcare arena may diminish or eliminate these troubling scenes that confront us all too often at the doctor’s office. Many patients envision a healthcare systemRead… Read more »

Paint by Numbers

As a child, Dr. Karla Drenner (D-GA House of Representatives) loved to paint by numbers. She said her mother would tell her to “be mindful and stay inside the lines.” As an adult, she discovered its okay to break the rules and create your own masterpiece. Paintings express the way we see things or wouldRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 26, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Alex Howard has a brief summation and then encyclopedic details of the “Champions of Change” awards and winners. The topic is interesting, and, as ever, the multiplatform storytelling–blending original copy, tweets, Vines, and video–is instructive. The State Department announced a new $10,000 innovation challenge: What Information Technology Tools and Concepts Can Support FutureRead… Read more »

An Interview with Curt Beckmann of Brocade

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast I interviewed Curt Beckmann, Principal Architect, Office of the Chief Technology Officer at Brocade. Curt is extremely influential in the Open Networking Foundation and spends a lot of time working with groups creating new, more agile network standards. A software defined networking (SDN) and cloud evangelist, Curt and IRead… Read more »