Yearly Archives: 2013

How the digital world is affecting the modern patient

A few weeks ago I was asked to contribute a guest post for the Saint Elizabeth Health Care CEO Blog. I decided to focus on the topic of how the digital world is affecting the modern patient. Below is my full blog post. You can also read the slightly condensed post directly on the SEHCRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Stay Motivated

It’s hard to stay motivated as a government employee these days – we have budget cuts, furloughs, the media attacking government employees, all the while any perk at work (training, travel, etc) seems to be getting cut. So how do you stay motivated at work? Here’s 5 Ways to Stay Motivated: 1) Celebrate Positive FeedbackRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Matter Cheat Sheet

As mobile becomes the new normal, agencies must share resources, best practices, and case studies to accelerate adoption. Our new guide – Making Mobile Matter: Implementing Your Mobile Enterprise Strategy highlights how agencies can effectively implement an enterprise wide mobile strategy, explores strategies to create mobile apps for employees, the importance of mobile device managementRead… Read more »

Own the Room – Tips For Becoming A Signature Leader

Regardless of your rank, managers are under the microscope, right now. People are constantly evaluating you, judging your actions and behaviors, so what can you do? Muriel Maignan Wilkins and Amy Jen Su are the co-authors of Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence. In the book they offer someRead… Read more »

Jazz up text with graphics to capture the reader’s attention

By Kristie Bauer, Graphics & Marketing Specialist, GovDelivery One small change can make the difference between your digital communications getting read or ignored. And it’s an easy change to make. Simply add graphics to your text and you’ll get more traffic, increased readership, and better search engine optimization (SEO). The increases can be quite dramatic.Read… Read more »

Top 5 Government Lessons from Pitch Perfect

**WARNING: This blog post contains spoilers for Pitch Perfect. Please watch the movie before continuing!** As many of you may not know, Pitch Perfect is one of my favorite movies. Originally, my love grew from the catchy singing, adorable love story, and inevitable happy ending. However, after binge-watching the movie this weekend, thank you HBOGORead… Read more »

Public and strategic

Most of the time, the hottest place in the solar system is the core of the sun. Some of the time, the hottest place in the solar system is tucked away in an obscure building on an anonymous industrial estate on a former airfield in rural Oxfordshire.1 There they use extreme heat and power toRead… Read more »

Busting Myths about Community Health Engagement

We wanted to point folks toward a great article, written by NCDD member Max Hardy of Twyfords (an NCDD org member), that offers insightful reflections about overcoming resistance to community engagement practices in the the professional health care industry. The article focuses on Max’s experiences in Australia, but there are valuable lessons to be drawnRead… Read more »

How Innovation Drives Sustained Growth for Your Brand

Let’s pretend for a moment you’re in the business of selling transportation to college students. What, do you suppose, is most important to them: price, time, convenience, comfort or safety? After you conduct your market research, you determine what matters most to your target audience is time. So you develop a value proposition and serviceRead… Read more »