Yearly Archives: 2013

5 Benefits of an Enterprise App Store – Making Mobile Matter

Our recent guide, Making Mobile Matter, explored best practices for mobile adoption in the public sector. We spoke with industry and government mobile pioneers, below is an excerpt from our interview with Neil Bonner, Program Manager, Applications Development at Transportation Security Administration. You can read the full guide here by downloading a PDF, or theRead… Read more »

Meet the Steve Jobs of the Social Security Administration – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Every year more than 45 million people visit a Social Security office. And as anyone who has visited the office knows, it can be plagued by long lines and tedious paperwork. David Broomell, a longtime Social Security programmer and project manager, decided to make a change. He created a program called VIP (Visitor Intake Process).Read… Read more »

Why Lowest Price Technically Acceptable Is Not All Bad (When Used Appropriately)

GovLoop and Integrity Management Consulting are proud to present a 12-part series called “Conscientious Contracting: A Thoughtful Approach to Acquisition and Program Management,” that aims to address common challenges and achieve new efficiencies in government procurement. In a recent survey for our new acquisition guide, we asked the contracting community: “Have you experienced your organizationRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 12, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Another international edition! Across the Pond: iCity aims to “open up public infrastructures in urban spaces promoting the co-creation of services of public interest” Teutonic Cyberspace: TechPresident reports: “In the run-up to the German national election in September, Electronic Arts has arranged for three German members of the Bundestag to play the GermanRead… Read more »

Webinar Series: Social Media – Get Ready to Analyze and Engage

The National Association of Government Communicators, in partnership with FedInsider and Adobe, continues its Webinar Series Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at 2 p.m. EDT, with the next one-hour session, “Social Media – Get Ready to Analyze and Engage”, featuring NAGC’s Competition’s Director, Marisa Ellison, of the Missouri Department of Transportation. The Federal Digital Government StrategyRead… Read more »

Will the Australian Government take an open government approach to developing its Open Government National Action Plan?

Now that Australia has finally sent a letter of intent to join the Open Government Partnership, I’ve been reading examples of how other jurisdictions went about developing their National Action Plans (a requirement of OGP membership) to foster and support government openness. It is clear that one of the key attributes of the most meaningfulRead… Read more »

California Supreme Court Rules GIS Files Should Be Publicly Accessible

The final session I attended at the Esri User Conference was GIS and the Business of Government. In a very timely presentation, Bruce Joffe, from GIS Consultants, spoke about the impact of the recent California Supreme Court ruling requiring GIS data be subject to California public records laws. Joffe provided an in-depth look at theRead… Read more »

Freedom of information advocacy: a global snapshot, from Open & Shut

I’ve had no time to blog this week due to family commitments, however thought it worth drawing attention to Peter Timmins’ fascinating post on freedom of information, over at his Open & Shut blog. Titled Freedom of information advocacy: a global snapshot, the post provides information on the recent report from the Freedom of InformationRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned on Location Analytics and GIS

Location analytics is another way that GIS is transforming the public sector. This is due to advancements in GIS technology, GIS can be leveraged enterprise wide and within applications that users are already comfortable with. For instance, with Esri software, users can create simple maps using excel plug-in. The same can be said for organizationsRead… Read more »