Yearly Archives: 2013

HR Can’t Ignore Big Data

Information remains an organization’s most valuable and underutilized asset. Top performers are investing in analytics to elevate recruitment and performance. Everyone talks about big data. People talk about being overwhelmed by information, about capturing it, storing it, struggling with it and doing something useful with it. Talent managers can’t avoid the topic. The digital universeRead… Read more »

Instagram for InstaGovies

Instagram is available for govies! It is the latest mobile and social media tool available to federal, state and local governments to better engage with the public, thanks to a newly negotiated government-compatible Terms of Service (TOS) agreement negotiated by the GSA. With over 130 million users, Instagram is a photo sharing service that makesRead… Read more »

Public Sector: Study Shows a Growing Need to Validate Eligibility Determinations

A recent study conducted by the Governing Institute and commissioned by Experian confirms that government benefit agencies can greatly improve their eligibility verification processes through automated data analytics. Historically, assorted health and human service programs have been compartmentalized, with each benefit agency having its own data collection system, eligibility requirements and program rules. The technologyRead… Read more »

Pres. Unveils New Management Agenda – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Often times it seems like the government’s answer to a problem is to add more regulations or requirements. To pile on the problem rather than really look for a solution. The AGA has come up with a new guide to help. But up front: White House’s New Management Agenda! The WhiteRead… Read more »

FTC Member Julie Brill Pushes for Healthcare Data Protection

Julie Brill, a member of the Federal Trade Commission, has expressed support for privacy protection in the healthcare sector amid increasing big data applications, reported June 27. Anthony Brino writes that Brill proposes that consumers regain control over their personal information, determine the amount of data to share and be able choose whether toRead… Read more »

OGP Rules of the Game – Tactical Mistake or Strategic Necessity?

The other week Martin Tisne, the UK Policy Director at the Omidyar Network, as well as one of the key architects of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), posted a blog post expressing concern that Civil Society participants have misunderstood the OGP. Specifically Tisne is concerned that by focusing on entrance into the OGP rather thanRead… Read more »

Understanding the value of your everyday organizational decisions

One of the things that I believe most organizations could do a better job of is explicitly understanding what decisions they need to make. Now most organizations certainly understand that they need to make decisions. They may also understand what information goes into those decisions fairly well. They may even have some standard reports availableRead… Read more »

Jack Dangermond Opening Statements – GIS: Transforming Our World

Jack Dangermond, President of Esri, started off the 33rd Esri UC highlighting that the theme of the conference is “GIS: Transforming Our World.” Dangermond notes, “Our world is facing serious challenges, and it’s clear to me that we fundamentally and collectively need to create a better future.” GIS ability to visualize data, spot new patternsRead… Read more »

Making Better Decisions: Leveraging Your Resources In Challenging Times

Often times it seems like the government’s answer to a problem is to add more regulations or requirements. To pile on the problem rather than really look for a solution. AGA and six national associations of government officials released a call-to-action guide designed to help promote trust in government by limiting government requirements to thoseRead… Read more »