Yearly Archives: 2013

Defense Cuts Are On The Way

Earlier this month the House passed two appropriations bills, Milcon/VA, and Homeland Security, both of which the president opposes. No appropriations bills have come to the floor in the Senate. As discussed in my article “Defense Cuts are on the Way: $100 billion, $300 billion, or $500 billion?“, with a $91 billion gap between theRead… Read more »

Preventing Crime with Email? Yup, it works!

Move aside CSI, there is a new law enforcement tool that is revolutionizing the way public safety organizations solve and prevent crimes: email. Email is the 21st century answer to tip lines, but it’s even better because it creates a two-way dialogue between the citizen and the police force. Email is able to leverage theRead… Read more »

Measuring the ROI of Crime Analytics: Case Study from Lancaster, California

This is the final blog post of the Smarter Cities: Building Safer Communities in the Digital Age series. This series explores how analytics has empowered the street level bureaucrat, redefining the way public safety officials keep communities safe. Across the country, public safety organizations are leveraging crime analytics to improve efficiencies and connecting employees toRead… Read more »

Feds to benefit from high court’s DOMA decision – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In the ongoing war on government budgets there is another victim, the internship. “We’ve seen agencies really dial back their internship programs in the face of these budget cuts,” said Tom Fox. “If you are having furloughs, hiring freezes and pay freezes it’s only natural you would see a decline inRead… Read more »

Does Your Organization Have a Social Media Policy for All Generations?

These days, most every orientation handbook has it: the dreaded social media policy. Does your agency have a social media policy for all generations? Some rules can be fairly liberal, like when social media can be used during working hours. Some are more stringent- like how employees use their accounts on their own time. SocialRead… Read more »

Do Furloughs Mean the End of Internships?

In the ongoing war on government budgets there is another victim, the internship. “We’ve seen agencies really dial back their internship programs in the face of these budget cuts,” said Tom Fox. “If you are having furloughs, hiring freezes and pay freezes it’s only natural you would see a decline in internships as well.” FoxRead… Read more »

What have you done for me lately? Measuring the success of your communications

By Amy Larsen, Client Success Consultant, GovDelivery Today’s government communicators are tasked with staying on top of the latest communication trends to create and deliver messages or content that stakeholders want to receive. And we all know the only way to determine success is if we measure it, which means government communicators end up usingRead… Read more »

What Drives Your Promotion?

Read some interesting posts that less than half of a group of employees think they will be promoted any time soon. Hunh? Their idea is that if they do wunnerful work, they should be promoted? That’s not how it works. A promotion occurs when the organization has a need, not when an employee does workRead… Read more »

Sequestration versus PAYGO: Which Do You Prefer?

We all know a lot about sequestration, especially since we hear about it almost daily on the news or in conversations. However, very few individuals know that much about the PAYGO process, which replaced the sequestration procedures in 1990. Below, I outline (1) the history of PAYGO, (2) when it occurs, and (3) its currentRead… Read more »