Yearly Archives: 2013

Big Data in 5 Steps: Lessons from Shawn Kingsberry, CIO of RATB

Big data is a big task. Of the many agencies dealing with massive amounts of data is the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB). As an independent agency within the federal government, RATB is focused on providing extensive transparency insights to federal programs as well as preventing waste, fraud and abuse of Recovery Act funds.Read… Read more »

Millennial feds — Let your voice be heard!

Hi GovLoop community — This is my first post on the site and I need your help! I’m a digital writer/editor with Federal News Radio. Many of you might know Mike Causey, Federal News Radio’s long-time columnist and trenchant observer of the federal workforce. He’s going on vacation next week, and he’s asked me toRead… Read more »

Default Open Data – Not just a philosophy but a directive

Default open data; that was one of the big takeaways from the Digital Government Strategy released last year. But the DGS was a bit murkey on how agencies should implement open data. The White House has formalized that dilemma with the Open Data Directive released in May. Hudson Hollister is the Executive Director for theRead… Read more »

Request Your Inputs For A Coming CTOvision Piece on Impact of Cloudera Impala, Search and CDH releases

By Bob Gourley We are beginning to formulate assessments on the potential impact to the federal technology community of some recent developments we believe will have far-reaching and positive impact. Over the last quarter Cloudera has continued to announce strategic partnerships, improvements to their open source technology integrations, and new capabilities that will improve theRead… Read more »

Therapy for IT Insanity: ‘Big Data’ Deemed Mission Critical

By Timothy Coleman A new study concludes that 70 percent of Federal IT executives deem “Big Data,” as a transformative lynchpin for mission critical work. Published by MeriTalk, an online government IT resource, and sponsored by EMC Corporation, a leading provider of IT storage hardware solutions, “The Smarter Uncle Sam: The Big Data Forecast” theRead… Read more »

Stakeholders: The Best Way to Make People Care About Evaluations

Effective government evaluations require the identification and engagement of stakeholders When constructing evaluations for the government, the best way to get people on your side is to identify and engage stakeholders. This is especially helpful when your particular government agency holds a negative view of evaluations. Below, I (1) define the stakeholder concept, (2) discussRead… Read more »

Witty Ts for Government Worker Bees at NextGen!

Last year I teamed up with a brilliant designer here in Ottawa to found a company that aims to bring a little more fun into the public service. Together we’re redefining private-public partnerships by delivering a witty set of designer Ts that are either positively encouraging, derisively subversive, and perfectly ironic to office workers acrossRead… Read more »

Getting online by sharing memories in Lincolnshire

I’m delighted to be helping out Community Lincs, the rural community development charity where I serve as a trustee, with their Summer of Surfing activity during the first week of July. It’s a neat idea, to encourage people to have a go using the web by contributing a memory to a shared website, where aRead… Read more »