Yearly Archives: 2013

The Organization Of The Future

In Catastrophe 1914: Europe Goes To War, Max Hastings tells the story of the clash of modern war technology (machine gun) meets the warfare of the previous century, cavalry charges, colorful (target) uniforms, and the ego, misinformation, stupidity, and ego that commanders could have when battles took months to set up, and soldiers could haveRead… Read more »

Forget Cyber Monday – There is a holiday hiring spree

Ok, a hiring spree might be a bit of a stretch. But the government really is hiring. Despite all the bad publicity, the shutdown, the sequester, the pay freeze, the furloughs, the government really is looking to hire new talent on a daily basis. (You can check out GovLoop’s top job openings here.) However, thereRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE # 27 Practice Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery. ButRead… Read more »

Old Faithful Goes Digital: Google’s Partnership with The U.S. National Park Service

When the government shut down in October 2013, employees were furloughed, websites were sent offline, and delivery of important government services was interrupted. These were all difficult consequences for our nation. Yet, the one effect of the shutdown that seemed to foster the most frustration was an unexpected one: the closing of our national parks.Read… Read more »

Aphorism 97

The idea that people would agree with us if only they were more intelligent owes more to self-love than to serious thought. Chris Dillow The post Aphorism 97 appeared first on Public Strategist. Original post

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a holiday shortened week with typical pre / post Thanksgiving activity. Volume was light but the bias was up. Post holiday trading can prove tough to analyze since there is a positive bias during the pre-holiday trading and there tends to be reversals after the holiday. So, does that mean stocks are dueRead… Read more »

Even President Obama is sounding the procurement alarm

In last week’s Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Special Report, President Obama was asked what he has learned from the experience. In his response, he focused squarely on federal procurement problems, and particularly on the feds struggle in procuring IT, by stating, “[the] way the federal government does procurement and does IT is justRead… Read more »

Will VA certifications of SDVOSB go away? We in the Veteran’s community can only hope so

Recent contracting missteps, as reported by the Washington Business Journal (WBJ) and Microtech by the Washington Post, seem to have endangered the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) programs for certifying firms as either Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) or Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB). Although the current certification process is challenging enough, this recent issueRead… Read more »

What will future digital services in government look like?

On Wednesday I attended Intrepid Minds‘ Digital Service Delivery in Government conference. It was a good conference, with decent attendance and an excellent range of speakers (moving far beyond the usual suspects). At the event I gave a presentation on the future of digital service delivery – a topic which let me discuss some (andRead… Read more »