Yearly Archives: 2013

End the Code of Silence

Too often managers use the excuse of “maintaining good order and discipline” to mob an employee out of government for other reasons completely. Overusing or misusing the disciplinary process is rampant, with “mobbing” or gang harassment on the rise. The real reason for this is usually “retaliation”. Retaliation against a whistleblower, retaliation against an employeeRead… Read more »

POST RELEASE: Life After the Press Release Dies

It’s seven years since the ground-breaking post ‘Die! Press Release! Die! Die!’ was written. Tom Foremski’s this-can’t-go-on wail reads as powerfully as a Martin Luther deconstruction of one of the central pillars of the public relations industry. “I’ve been telling the PR industry for some time now that things cannot go along as they are,”Read… Read more »

Unleashing Your Power Within

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” – Tony Robbins In Tony Robbins’ audio book, Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching from Anthony Robbins That Will Transform Your Life!, he says that all human behavior is driven by beliefs and beliefs carry consequences. So whatever you believe about yourself, willRead… Read more »

DOE Research Issues $30M Funding Round for Electrochemical Power Generation Tech

The Energy Department’s research arm will award up to $30 million in funds to teams of scientists and engineers to develop new electrochemical technologies for power generation. Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy wants the teams to focus on developing intermediate-temperature fuel cells in order to help with grid stability and security and reduce carbonRead… Read more »

Spotlight: Mark Leech, City of Albuquerque

Mark Leech (@LeechMT) is the Application Development Manager for the City of Albuquerque, N.M. He’s been leading the City’s open data initiative, ABQ Data. Since launching in June 2012, the city has released 38 high-value datasets prioritized by citizen demand. By focusing on these high-value datasets, the City has seen great ROI on their openRead… Read more »