Yearly Archives: 2013

Are You Prepared to Withstand Unplanned Downtime, Security Breaches and Data Loss?

EMC recently released the 2013 IT Trust Curve Global Study. EMC states, “The 2013 IT Trust Curve Global Study surveyed 3,200 respondents in 16 markets around the globe to assess their organizations’ IT maturity levels and ability to withstand and quickly recover from disruptive incidents such as unplanned downtime, security breaches and data loss.” IRead… Read more »

WHSR to Hold Industry Engagement Award Ceremony for Federal Agencies

The Washington Homeland Security Roundtable will honor federal officials from Department of Homeland Security component departments for work with industry partners at an upcoming Holiday Reception event. The Industry Engagement Awards aims to acknowledge agencies who maintain relationships with the industry segment, WHSR said Nov. 18. “Partnerships enable real collaboration between industry and government toRead… Read more »

It Just Keeps Getting Better: EMC Shows You How To Optimize Your Cloud and Virtualization Systems

Has your agency transitioned to the cloud yet? If so, you are definitely not alone. More and more government agencies are taking that leap and using the cloud to successfully manage and store their growing volumes of data. EMC, a market leader in cloud solutions, is hosting an upcoming event on the benefits of cloudRead… Read more »

State Spending Rebounds – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 2013 may go down as the year of big data and data analytics. But according to a new report by IBM and the Partnership for Public Service, big data has been around since the 1970s. We take a look at five case studies. But up front: The Washington Post: State spendingRead… Read more »

Five practical applications of government big data

2013 may go down as the year of big data and data analytics. But according to a new report by IBM and the Partnership for Public Service, big data has been around since the 1970s. The report titled,From Data to Decisions III – Lessons from Early Analytics Programs, showcases five government cases studies where agenciesRead… Read more »

Trend 4: Mission

Agency and program leaders depend on a range of mission support functions, such as finance, technology, acquisition, or workforce management, to get their jobs done. The delivery of these functions, however, have changed significantly over the past quarter century. Twenty-five years ago, federal agencies typically did not have key executives leading mission support functions. TheseRead… Read more »

3 Open Source Myths Debunked

Open source has proven to be a secure, cost-effective and high quality software solution. So why are so many agencies reluctant to adopt an open source platform? It turns out that many of the obstacles to open source cited by technology personnel are based on myths. We spoke with Chris Mattmann, senior computer scientist atRead… Read more »

Digital Disruption In The Public Sector

Making the Agency of the Future a Reality Today A free special event 8:30 – 11:30 am, Tuesday December 10, 2013 in Washington DC. Learn more and sign up at Featuring Alex Howard, Kennedy School of Government, former Washington Correspondent for O’Reilly Media, Dannielle Blumenthal, Digital Engagement Director, National Archives (NARA) and GovLoop HallRead… Read more »