Yearly Archives: 2013

What is a Civic Hacker?

This article is cross-posted from The National Day of Civic Hacking is bringing together thousands of civic hackers on June 1 – 2. But what is a civic hacker, anyway? “Civic hackers” as we think about it for the National Day of Civic Hacking are technologists, civil servants, designers, entrepreneurs, engineers – anybody –Read… Read more »

Appropriate Technology

Last week I was telling a story about how many years ago, before internet, I got my first fax machine. I told my clients the number. One sent a question using the fax. I was doing something else. About ten minutes later I got a phone call. He had sent the question, where was theRead… Read more »

Register now for GovHack 2013

GovHack is on again this year and it’s gone national, with eight locations across Australia. With over $160,000 in prizes, the organisers anticipate over 400 participants in 150 teams – and due to venue sizes, entry is limited. If you’re interested in mashing up open government data for prize money, or simply interested in watchingRead… Read more »

White House Unveils Open Source API to View Petition Data

The White House has developed a new application programming interface intended to help users view data on petitions holding more than 150 signatures and posted on the “We the People” site. Next on the White House’s agenda is an API designed to help individuals collect and submit signatures on their own platforms and not havingRead… Read more »

Wholesale Change at OMB – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes technology can transform government but how it works and how it interacts with its citizens. The men behind that transformation is the CIO David Behen and CTO Rod Davenport. They sat down with Chris for an extended conversation about the state of Michigan’s IT system. ButRead… Read more »

On the Rocks: Best Icebreaker Questions for Meetings and Focus Groups

As a follow up to my post about Best Focus Groups Guides and Resources, here are some ideas about using icebreakers to get the session started on the right foot and not end up “on the rocks”: ABOUT USING ICEBREAKERS The Art of Icebreakers Excellent document about the use of icebreakers. FAST ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS TheRead… Read more »

Find Out What Congress Is Doing

Free. Easy. All Online. Public interest in Congressional activity surged in recent years. Confusion, misinformation, and outright lies abound. But we can get accurate information without extensive web searches. All official Congressional activity is available on one website. Have you ever wanted to read the text of a bill for yourself, while Congress debates it?Read… Read more »

A guide to Rooting your Android phone

By Ryan Kamauff One of the constant discussions between Android users is why/if you should “root.” Rooting is a term that describes the ability to grant programs “superuser” access. This allows programs to operate at the root level of the operating system, enabling full phone backups, changing certain parameters (CPU/GPU speeds) and changing the entireRead… Read more »

Michigan’s CIO and CTO give frank insights on the state of gov. IT – Part 1

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes technology can transform government. It’s state CIO David Behen’s job to turn the governor’s vision into reality. Behen was recently named one of Government Technology’s Top 25 in Government. Behen is aided in his quest with CTO Rob Davenport. Both men sat down with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISIDER forRead… Read more »