Yearly Archives: 2013

Happy People = Higher Profits: Lessons from Henry Ford in Business & Leadership

Happy People = Higher Profits! That’s a lesson that Henry Ford learned early in his entrepreneurial business and leadership career. Ford’s success began during a significant time of change in America. When the Ford Motor Company was officially started in 1903, the government was cracking down on industry. The government was making a statement againstRead… Read more »

A look at the Mobile Landscape in May 2013

By Ryan Kamauff At Google IO a new Android will be unleashed, and it may not be coming to the top Android devices of today Todays’ mobile landscape is filled with a vast number of options to the uninitiated. But careful examination can easily whittle down the number of options to just a few phones.Read… Read more »

Aphorism 82

No matter how beautiful, no matter how cool your interface, it would be better if there were less of it. Alan Cooper, quoted by Edward Tufte Original post

CDC Turns to Apps to Create Disease Detectives – Social Media and Health

The Centers for Disease Control have launched a new app – Solve the Outbreak – to help teach people about disease outbreaks. The interactive game allows users to track, solve and prevent future outbreaks. Alex Cassanova is the Innovations Team Lead at the CDC. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER that the users playRead… Read more »

Why we need to reconsider how we do technical presentations

By Dirk Haun Technical presentations aren’t TED talks. With all the facts and figures that you have to present, it’s impossible to make them exciting. Besides, the audience expects to see all those technical details and will frown upon slides that only show photos. Right? No, of course not. The perceived lack of actual contentRead… Read more »

Reactionary Rhetoric

Yes from which means that the author most likely has an agenda… IMO a very interesting discussion of the various political arguments going on across the country but primarily inside the beltway… An article/commentary by Cass Sunstein: Don’t Buy the Slippery-Slope Argument on Guns In 1991, the economist Albert Hirschman published a biting, funnyRead… Read more »

Who provides the best health care in the country?

I’ve become a fan of Quora. It’s a great way to receive unfiltered, expert advice on the most random of topics. My contribution is this post. Did you know that the U.S. Federal Government provides the country’s best health care? I bet you didn’t. (I didn’t either, until after I started working there). Original post