Yearly Archives: 2013

Are You (Mentally) Tough Enough?

This morning I read a post on that spoke to what mentally tough people DON’T do. These 13 “never do” points originally compiled by Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker originally shared in LifeHack, are critical for anyone who wants to live a life above the ordinary negativity of daily upsRead… Read more »

Great PMF Rotational Opportunity to work as part of the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program- Please help spread the word!

Hi Everyone; Because of OPM’s switch to the Talent Acquisition System (TAS), my PMF Rotational Opportunity posting has gotten buried!! It’s an amazing opportunity for the PMF so please help me spread the word. We’re looking for one, possibly 2, PMFs to detail to help us on the program staff for the Presidential Innovation FellowsRead… Read more »

“Are We There Yet?” Residents of Central Arkansas use online game to create roadmap for the future.

This article first appeared on EngagingCities but we’d like to share it here with the NCDD community. How do you get citizens to give feedback about their ideas for the community, while also educating them on the inherent repercussions of their preferences? How do you involve the public in your 30-year plan, while instilling anRead… Read more »

Securing the Louisville Dashboard

Our Fellowship team, the Bourbon Planners, built a Jail Population Management Dashboard for the city of Louisville, Ken. This dashboard lets decision makers in Louisville’s criminal justice system visualize and analyze the population in various corrections programs. For reasons of privacy it became necessary to restrict access to the dashboard to certain people. These peopleRead… Read more »

Once Upon A Time, There Were Three Keiretsu

Bruce Schneier gave a talk at Authors@Google about his book, Liars and Outliers:Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive. I watched it a couple of months ago, and he provided a lot to think about. What started as an off-hand observation and has since become increasingly useful is his metaphor of the Three Keiretsu.Read… Read more »

Infographic: How Important Is Each Federal Agency?

During the shutdown, I shared answers to the question “Why are you essential?” It was terrific qualitative data about the important work conducted by government employees. There were a wide range of answers describing individuals who spent there days connecting people to vital services, building a more inclusive society, protecting us from harm, and providingRead… Read more »

This Year Kind of Sucked: Take Some Time to Take Stock

This has been a rough year for the Federal Government: sequestration, shutdown, almost shutdowns, questions about government IT and effectiveness, and another potential shutdown coming in January. I’ve been thinking about the need to take some stock in this small breathing space we have between the pressures of recovering from the shutdown, the time ofRead… Read more »

Have no fear, Open Source is here!

We’re pleased to see GovLoop’s great report on open source solutions and agencies of the future released this month. OmniStudio, jumped on the open source bandwagon back in 2006, and we’ve long been making the argument that open source websites (especially those built in WordPress and Drupal) can help to lower tech costs, improve functionalityRead… Read more »