Yearly Archives: 2013

Put the Give in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost here–a day which for many of us means a carousel of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pie. Before you sit down to dinner this year, here are five ways you can help others access food and services. 1) Spread the word about SnapFresh SnapFresh is a text-message and mobile web app thatRead… Read more »

Prosecutors Investigate US Navy Contractor – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: There is a major disconnect that exists right now about the use, state and function of the information highway. Many leading internet policy experts simply don’t understand how the internet works on a physical level. They don’t know how the networks connect, worse yet, they don’t seem to care. Check outRead… Read more »

Army Research Lab Designs NASA Image Recovery Tech

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has built a device that aims to help NASA locate recording platforms meant to capture spacecraft decelerators’ image data, DoD Live reported Thursday. ARL’s Flight Imagery Recorder Locator contains a satellite communications moden, GPS receiver, dual-band antenna and batteries, according to the article. Rex Hall, an ARL project lead engineer,Read… Read more »

Who really knows how the internet works? Bueller? Part 3

There is a major disconnect that exists right now about the use, state and function of the information highway. Many leading internet policy experts simply don’t understand how the internet works on a physical level. They don’t know how the networks connect, worse yet, they don’t seem to care. That’s one of the reasons thatRead… Read more »

Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: Oracle Takes Steps Toward Making BYOD Programs Widespread

The push for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs in government has been strong. In the 2012 Digital Government Strategy released by the White House, the strategy encouraged the adoption of BYOD initiatives. The report additionally provided guidance for agencies interested in making the transition away from government-issued devices. Certain agencies, such as the U.S.Read… Read more »

Twitter Hashtags: 7 Tips and a Decision-Making Flowchart

Summary: Though Twitter hashtags have been around almost as long as Twitter itself, many people still do not understand what they are – or more importantly, how to use them appropriately. This post offers seven tips – plus a decision-making flowchart – to enable Tweeters to not only avoid looking like a Twitter rube, butRead… Read more »

5 Things Federal Employees Cannot Change

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost Why is it that despite our best efforts, many of us are still unhappy and unfulfilled in our lives/careers? Author David Richo says the key to happiness is to accept difficult realities, drop our resistance to them,Read… Read more »

The End of the 2013 Fellowship

Today we wrap up the 2013 Fellowship year at Code for America. Over the past two weeks, we have transitioned apps, transitioned partner relationships, and celebrated accomplishments. We have reflected on the year, on the program and on the lasting impacts that the Fellows have had on local government. Now it is time to sayRead… Read more »

Insights from across the pond – Everyone is defaulting digital

Digital government goals are not just something that federal agencies in the US are striving for. In the UK, any new or redesigned service introduced after April 2014 will also have to meet a new Digital by Default standard. The Guardian notes, “Making the billion annual transactions between government, citizens and businesses “digital by default”Read… Read more »

Obama wants to ‘blow up’ tech purchasing – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Why should anyone care where the internet comes from? You log on to your computer daily, hourly, minutely. But do you know where the information is streaming from? Or how it works? Do you even care? Insights on why you should, in part two of our interview with Andrew Blum. ButRead… Read more »