Yearly Archives: 2013

Jargon Costs DC City Gov $30k

Do you know the difference between a “vote center” and a “polling place”? The DC Board of Elections assumed that residents understood the distinction, and that voters wouldn’t be confused by their confusing postcard. This postcard on the upcoming special election read: One Judiciary Square is the only vote center open for this election. LikeRead… Read more »

The joy of plain text

These days, I write pretty much everything in plain text. This is driven by two main things: Annoyance Paranoia How I write pretty much anything of any length (blog posts, reports, proposals, longer emails) is to write them in a text editor – I’ve settled on WriteRoom – using the Markdown markup language. I thenRead… Read more »

Data as Paint, and the rise of the Data Artist

By Justin Langseth Editor’s note: CTOvision reader Peter Thorp spotted this great post originally at Justin Langseth’s Data Metaphors blog and when we saw it we asked Justin if he would repost it here for your consideration. -bg Art has always been a means of communication, reflection, persuasion, storytelling, and interpretation. Artists use their imaginationRead… Read more »

Opening the vault – Open data in Queensland – watch the livestream

Today the ‘Opening the vault’ event is being held in Brisbane, discussing open data in the context of the state. Following from the Queensland Government’s commitment to open data (with the appointment of Australia’s first e-Government Assistant Minister), the event was opened by Premier Newman and is being livestreamed on the web – demonstrating theRead… Read more »

Lean In

This is a personal story and it does not tell me anything! All working mothers lean in. I am interested in learning how she helps employees at Yahoo balance work and family obligations. What values does she stand up for and how she reflects those values through her company policies and practices! Actions count! MarissaRead… Read more »

Final Preparations For The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum

By Bob Gourley The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum is shaping up to be an absolutely incredible event, especially if you are a government professional seeking ways to make sense over data to better serve your organization’s mission. The event will also be great for the IT community that serves and supports theRead… Read more »

Innovating in the public sector – The Pitch: Five presentations. Five minutes. Five big ideas.

The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA), in partnership with the CPA Australia, has introduced a fantastic innovation competition for public servants. Named The Pitch, In an IPAA first, the 2013 IPAA National Conference is providing an opportunity to pitch ideas for an original policy initiative or public sector innovation that could make people’s livesRead… Read more »