Yearly Archives: 2013

Vote Compass – not just interesting, but useful for government and the public

Vote Compass App for Australia The ABC has launched the Vote Compass service in Australia, designed to help the public match their policy views with the official platforms of Australian political parties. Vote Compass ( was developed by political scientists in Canada, where it has been used for both Canadian and US elections. AsidesRead… Read more »

Facts, Beliefs, and Being Wrong

We are happy to share this insightful blog post from NCDD member John Blakinger, who reflects on the interplay of facts, beliefs, and being wrong when we are trying to address problems together. John’s reflections come from Philosopher Charles Bernard Renouvier said “There is no certainty, only people who are certain.” And when itRead… Read more »

Why Training Fails

8 reasons why training programs fail. They are: 1. No on-the-job rewards for behaviors and skills learned in training, 2. Insufficient time to execute training programs, 3. Work environment does not support new behaviors learned in training, 4. Lack of motivation among employees, 5. Inaccurate training needs analyses, 6. Training needs changed after program hadRead… Read more »

Breaking news: Australian Government to appoint Government 2.0 Minister

I’ve just learnt from an inside source that the Australian Government has decided to go several steps further than the Queensland Government (who appointed an Assistant Minister for eGovernment last year), by appointing Australia’s first Government 2.0 Minister. The new Minister, who will be announced later today, will be responsible for taking forward the government’sRead… Read more »

Public service messages with a smile

I’ve been a bit serious lately on the blog. Sorry. Here’s a bit of whimsy to lighten the mood. Worcestershire County Council have produced this video to inform the public about what they are doing about pot holes. As you’ll notice, they haven’t gone for the usual talking head interview approach. I rather like itRead… Read more »

How To Alienate Your Colleagues on A Locally Elected Board or Council

During a fantastic career in local and municipal government I had the privilege to work with hundreds of wonderful men and women; local residents who stepped up to the plate to serve in a public office. They gave their time, devoted their energies and shared their wisdom to help make their Townships, Villages, Cities orRead… Read more »

Breaking news: Australian Government to appoint Government 2.0 Minister

I’ve just learnt from an inside source that the Australian Government has decided to go several steps further than the Queensland Government (who appointed an Assistant Minister for eGovernment last year), by appointing Australia’s first Government 2.0 Minister. The new Minister, who will be announced later today, will be responsible for taking forward the government’sRead… Read more »