Yearly Archives: 2013

Resume Book Deadline Extended to April 8, 2013

ELGL is pleased to participate in “Link-In Live Networking, Real People, Real Conversations” at the First Avenue Career & Graduate School Expo at University of Portland Chiles Center this Friday, April 5. The networking event is from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM. The Link In Live networking session is an opportunity for students to meetRead… Read more »

Beating the Sequester With a Can’t Do Attitude

This just in. YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE THE SEQUESTER LAYING DOWN. Yep, that’s right make enough noise and you to can find funding for your entire operation. Don’t believe me? Just read this excerpt from the Washington Post: Last week, President Obama signed a spending bill that gave the Agriculture Department’s food inspectors whatRead… Read more »

DHS CIO takes a leave of absence – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If you’ve ever had the privilege to visit Arlington National Cemetery you know the grounds are vast. In fact there are more than 290,000 soldiers buried throughout the 624 acres of hallowed ground. The terrain can make it difficult for families to locate the headstone of their loved ones. So ArlingtonRead… Read more »

Is the “open government” movement’s emphasis on technology creating two classes of citizens based on technological literacy?

Originally published on April 1, 2013 as Matching Technological Literacy with Delivery of Government Services. I have a neighbor, let’s call him John. I’ve know him for more than 20 years. He’s been very close to our family all that time. He’s seen our children grow up. He’s helped my wife deal with household disastersRead… Read more »

New GovLoop Report Identifies 5 Components of a Digital Government

Announcing GovLoop Latest Report: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy Excerpt of Executive Summary | View Online Below or Download PDF Last week GovLoop released the report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy. This report draws upon a survey of 94 members of the GovLoop community who are currently adopting emerging technology at the state,Read… Read more »

Arlington Cemetery Goes MOBILE – Take a Look at the New ANC Explorer App

If you’ve ever had the privilege to visit Arlington National Cemetery you know the grounds are vast. In fact there are more than 290,000 soldiers buried throughout the 624 acres of hallowed ground. The terrain can make it difficult for families to locate the headstone of their loved ones. So Arlington National Cemetery has goneRead… Read more »

Rainmaker 19 – Foam Ball

Have you ever looked at electrical conduit (pipe) inside the walls of a building? Do you know how electricians snake the wires through it? They can’t push it. The wires bend and kink. What they do is take a foam ball, the same size as the pipe, tie some fishing line to it, put aRead… Read more »

DHS CIO Spires put ‘on leave’, Enterprises running Java versions that are months out of date, analysis finds and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. DHS CIO Spires put ‘on leave’ – “FedScoop has learned that Department of Homeland Security’s Chief Information Officer Richard Spires has been put on immediate ‘on leave’ status with no further explanation as to why. Inquiries made to DHS officials aboutRead… Read more »

An MPA From My Apt: Short & Sour

I was finishing up my dinner and watching an episode of what may or may not have been South Park when I checked the clock on my cell phone. It read 6:30 on the dot; time for class to start. Slightly upset that my schedule did not allow me to finish a half hour episode,Read… Read more »