Yearly Archives: 2013

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After bouncing around wildly earlier in the week, the stock market found its footing and rallied off of the early Wednesday morning low, to reach a new all-time high in the S&P 500 by the close on Thursday (Friday was a holiday.) Here are the up to date weekly, final March monthly, and end ofRead… Read more »

Sex Discrimination or Sexual Harassment–How Can We Avoid?

Understanding the definition will help managers eliminate unwanted workplace behaviors in order to create a workplace free of sexual harassment and sex discrimination. Sex discrimination and sexual harassment is not the same. “Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination but it is distinguishable in that the conduct involves sexual favors or the creation ofRead… Read more »

Does Your Dot-Gov Website Meet the Needs of All its Users?

Does Your Dot-Gov Website Meet the Needs of All Its Users? A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. Internal and external stakeholders each need and want something different from government websites. Government communicators face real challenges making sites effectively manage those needs to provide the best content and services to users. ENC Strategy AccountRead… Read more »

29 March CTOvision Podcast with Anup Ghosh of Invincea

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast I interviewed Anup Ghosh, CEO and Founder of Invincea. Invincea is a venture-backed software company that is bringing innovative security to companies through the Invincea breach prevention platform. Anup and I discussed Invincea and the breach protection software they offer. In short, “Invincea delivers the first and only virtualizedRead… Read more »

Learning from the World Bank’s “Big Data” Exploration Weekend

Note: Steve Ressler suggested I post this article here, which I originally published March 21 on my own blog. It describes my firsthand experience with a recent “data dive” weekend, sponsored by the World Bank and others, where teams of analysts gathered to address a series of development related problems fed by data files collectedRead… Read more »

The Army’s Command Post of the Future. First Army Unit deploying with a mobile network, Cisco and Cloud Computing

By Marcus Williams Today’s Cyber news we are tracking: The Army’s Command Post of the Future. First Army Unit deploying with a mobile network, Cisco and Cloud Computing The Army’s Command Post of the Future (CPOF) Leaders on the ground at the attack on Lybia last year used maps and images provided by the CommandRead… Read more »

Is Traditional Office Space Dysfunctional? – Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER has be talking about telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers. On Monday Professor Sullivan told Chris that innovation and telework don’t mix. But JackRead… Read more »