Yearly Archives: 2013

Owning up to your mistakes

One of the things that we’ve been working on as a company is doing a better job of client side communications like keeping folks informed about what’s new in the marketplace and areas where we have special insights where we might be able to help them improve. Obviously the idea there is to ensure thatRead… Read more »

26 March Podcast: Cybersecurity with Matt Devost

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast Matt Devost, CEO of FusionX, joins us to discuss cybersecurity challenges and innovations in the pipeline. We talk about a variety of aspects, including; Script kiddies cracking passwords Outsourcing password cracking to the cloud A Change in Cybersecurity Thought Paradigm Advances in agile networking Big Data for network activityRead… Read more »

Centripetal Networks Provides Internet Scale Cyber Defense

By Bob Gourley I’m on the board of Centripetal Networks, a firm with dramatically virtuous technology that I believe will change the world. With this post I’ll tell you more about this firm, with a focus on the differentiators of their capability. The core capability of Centripetal Networks is a product called the RuleGate. ItRead… Read more »

Is removing telework a morale crushing mistake? DorobekINSIDER’s Telework Week

All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. With some opponents calling the decision an attack on working mothers or a real push for innovation. Yesterday we talked with San Francisco State University ProfessorRead… Read more »

WashingtonExec Interviews Ed Granstedt on Democratization of Big Data and BYOD

By Bob Gourley Friends at WashingtonExec have just published a discussion featuring Ed Granstedt that I believe you will enjoy for several reasons. One is that Ed is a true technologist with an outstanding background and proven past performance. He has proven himself for his abilities in visualizing solutions, creating working prototypes and inventions, andRead… Read more »

Leadership: Approach Depends on Deck You’ve Been Dealt (Part 4)

The traditional leader is seen as a charismatic hero, a lone figure, towering above the rest. These are seen more in the military or business worlds – Gen. George Patton, auto executive Lee Iaccoco, computer guru Steve Jobs. But in reality, the success of a leader depends on the context, or environment, in which theyRead… Read more »

03.26.13: Your Morning Buzz

Weatherman Reading Shout-Outs Realizes Too Late There’s No One By This Name The High Five Can Private Intercity Passenger Rail Make a Comeback? All Aboard Florida, a passenger service planned for the Orlando-to-Miami corridor, may soon find out. The Inequality of Playgrounds – Public parks in upper-income, predominantly-white communities in Kansas City were more likelyRead… Read more »