Yearly Archives: 2013

The BYOD Initiative: How Public and Private Sector Industries Can Offset Legal, Privacy Considerations

Originally published on Federal Technology Insider, this video offers best practices in securing mobile device for agencies. One tech trend that is living up to expectations in terms of generating discussion is how workplaces should address the convergence of personal and professional technologies. One of the core discussions that agencies are having is about howRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: MOOC provider EdX goes open source – with an interesting choice of licence Making better choices for the technology we use Remember Ning? Once-buzzy social network has relaunched again as a publishing platform Why and how we publish digital content Wikis as flexible and powerful knowledgeRead… Read more »

Do People Need Social Media Training? Yes. And (Much) More.

Earlier this year I shared my thoughts about online social learning communities in response to a Forbes post by Meghan Biro. This post supplements those ideas by reflecting on a 2012 series written by Shel Holtz about social media training: Part 1: Introducing a series on social media training Part 2: Getting buy-in for socialRead… Read more »

Digital Literacy

It strikes me that digital literacy is becoming more and more important, as more and more of the things we do in life are digitalised. It helps to understand how computers work if you want to buy some music these days, or watch a film, or read a book. Not just the physcial act ofRead… Read more »

SSD Comes to the Cloud

By Kay Ackerman We’re now entering a world where cloud-managed big data is not just a topic of conversation in tech circles but a necessity for companies and service providers alike. Shifting data needs drive technological innovation. The truth is that as data gets bigger, older technology isn’t able to keep up with data productionRead… Read more »

South Australia consulting on ICT policy

The South Australian government has released its draft ICT policy, SA Connected, for public consultation via the SA Plan consultation site. The five key perspectives in the SA draft ICT policy The position paper, which has already undergone industry consultation, presents five key perspectives for the future of South Australian government IT, Serving People InnovatingRead… Read more »

Can I Bum a Ride to the Forum with Greg Baker, Damascus City Manager?

Space is limited to first 30 RSVPs. ELGL members receive priority registration. Interested in joining? Visit Join ELGL. RSVP: Forum with Greg Baker, Damascus City Manager Complimentary coffee and snacks will be provided. In an effort to encourage to carpooling to ELGL events, we will post a list of attendees to each event. We encourageRead… Read more »

Today’s Contribution

Television news was showing how police were cracking down on DC cabbies who mischarged their fares, sirens screaming, tires squealing, “…gonna make an example!…” I laughed. I ride DC cabs and improvement by threat was only affecting the cameramen and the officials puffing up in front of them…and maybe the poor sap they were tryingRead… Read more »

9 Sources of Cyber Threats Highlighted in GAO Report

Cyber attacks pose a significant threat to our nation. With the recent release of President Obama’s Executive Order, Improving Critical Infrastructure: Cybersecurity, and a companion policy directive for federal agencies, there has rightfully been an emphasis placed on cyber security. Although both pieces of information are steps in the right direction, they also are anRead… Read more »

Think Creatively TODAY So Your Agency Can INNOVATE Tomorrow

Does the Spring weather make you crave new directions? Do things feel stale around your office? Do you need new ideas to solve nagging problems? Perhaps your entire team needs a dose of creative thinking. As timelines get reduced and work intensifies, the need for creative thinking increases exponentially. It is no longer enough toRead… Read more »