Yearly Archives: 2013

Using the disruptive web to your advantage

I’m excited to be off to Toronto today (vacation) to deliver a pair of workshops to students at Humber College. As you likely know by now I am very particular about my presentations. I spend countless hours agonizing over images, placement, word choice and the relationship between the different elements; here’s what I’ve come upRead… Read more »

Social Media Lessons from a Two-Year Old

What a difference a few years can make. For the last few months, I think I’ve spent more time talking people out of using social media than talking them into it. The pendulum has swung the other way, especially in the marketing industry. Everyone wants to be everywhere. Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter Facebook, Vine, Foursquare, KloutRead… Read more »

Amazon Rumored To Be Working On A $99 7-Inch Kindle Fire HD, Watch every NCAA Tournament buzzer beater with Thuuz Sports app and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top mobile news and stories of the day. Jawbone brings its UP fitness bracelet to Android, returns to Europe – I have a MotoACTV watch (as I’ve written often here), so I like to pay attention to this realm. The first Jawbone UP was a colossal failure, and onlyRead… Read more »

Special issue “The Public Manager” on ‘Government Embraces New Social Media Tools’

The Public Manager “The Public Manager” has just published its Winter 2012 edition. The whole issue focuses on how government embraces new social media tools. Contributors are among others: Andrew Krzmarzick, who talks about how government embraces social media as new communication tools; Scott Horvath (USGS), who presents an overview of the past, present andRead… Read more »

BYOD Successes? Private Sector Keeps It Under Wraps; Agencies Share

Recently EEOC share BYOD successes with Federal Technology Insider and we’ve tapped into other sources that best practices. Yet, private sector seems to be keeping projects under wraps. Want to know a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) secret? Good luck gaining any insight from corporations. While these organizations are generally considered to be further alongRead… Read more »

Congress Averts a Gov Shutdown – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The headlines surrounding sequestration have slowed down, but that doesn’t mean its gone away for feds. In fact, the effects of sequestration are piling up at agencies. The Partnership for Public Service has tips to balancing your work and sequestration. Click here for the full recap. What’s the biggest challenge facingRead… Read more »

The Takeaway with John Anderson, Troutdale City Manager

Former city and county manager John Anderson is enjoying the type of retirement that will be the envy of many ELGL members. John plays tennis a few times a week and goes downhill skiing as often as possible. He also enjoys canoeing and has taken a number of trips, including a cruise on the DanubeRead… Read more »