Yearly Archives: 2013

Brand Storytelling…In a Word Cloud

I had the privilege of delivering a guest lecture on personal branding at one of the local universities last week. One of the key messages I tried to convey to the students of Professor Murphy’s marketing class was the importance of telling their brand story in a way that is meaningful and easily understood byRead… Read more »

The Importance of Open Data Critiques – thoughts and context

Over at the Programmable City website Rob Kitchin has a thoughtful blog post on open data critiques. It is very much worth reading and wider discussion. Specifically, there are two competing things worth noting. First, it is important for the open data community – and advocates in particular – to a growing responsibility we haveRead… Read more »

Birmingham Joins Mental Health Conversation with NIFI

In addition today’s exciting news about the Text, Talk, Act project, we are pleased to share more good news about the Creating Community Solutions effort. This post comes from our partners at the National Issues Forums Institute, sharing the recent announcement that they will be helping the city of Birmingham, AL engage its public inRead… Read more »

Intro…and Outro

I see a lot of advice about how to start relationships, that networking, firm handshake, clear eye stuff. Earlier this month I got a delightful call from a 20 year customer asking permission to introduce me to a new prospect. We hadn’t spoken in years, but still like each other a lot, and he toldRead… Read more »

Open Season Mayhem – 4 Must Have Insights from Benefits Expert Walt Francis

With over 200 federal health plans to choose from, it is easy to get bogged down. In fact, when it comes to Open Season, the prevailing notion is to do nothing. Feds stay with the same plan year after year, even if premiums go up and benefits change. That’s why we reached out to WaltRead… Read more »

Is an Obama administration shake-up coming? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Federal employee job satisfaction plummeted again this year to the lowest levels since OPM began surveying morale in 2002. So, what can be done to buck the trend next year? We get three insights from Tom Fox at the Partnership for Public Service. But up front: National Journal: An Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Satisfaction Slows for Gov Employees – 3 Reasons Why

Federal pay, sequestration and uncertain agency funding have weakened federal-employee satisfaction, according to the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint survey. For the second year in a row, overall employee satisfaction scores fell, dipping below 60 percent this year, reports Federal News Radio. A sharp drop in employees’ satisfaction with their pay, down 5Read… Read more »

Google’s Got Your Six

We celebrated Veterans’ Day last week with parades and much-deserved thank you’s for our veterans. This outpouring of support, however, is often not reflected in the civilian workforce where veterans have trouble finding jobs. Google wants to change that. Google believes that the best way to celebrate our veterans is by bringing them into theRead… Read more »

Join Us: GovLoop and Oracle Survey Explores Best Practices, Challenges and Future Outlook of Cloud Computing

Within your agency, cloud computing is serving an essential role in transforming how your agency delivers services and becomes more efficient. That’s why GovLoop and Oracle have partnered on a new research report exploring how agencies are leveraging cloud technology in their agency. Please take 10 minutes and complete our survey to help us asRead… Read more »