Yearly Archives: 2013

Australian CTO presentation on social media: SOCIAL(MEDIA)ISM at the International Public Sector Convention

John Sheridan has been an active senior public sector advocate for the use of digital technologies in government for some years now. He’s stepped this up a notch with his recent appointment as Australian Government’s Chief Technology Officer and I thought it was valuable to share one of his most recent presentations on social media,Read… Read more »

Getting Exercise Jumping To Conclusions

Quick! Read the series of letters and numbers shown below. Don’t waste any time. Can you read them? (The images are on the left side of the page below the first image) Hopefully you found that to be pretty easy. (And, if I were better with HTML I would have figured out how to putRead… Read more »

Copyright and Consultant Exhibits

Today another question came up in our ongoing discussions about copyright and government. So I thought I’d post the scenario and question and see how others viewed this. It seems that many counties, at least in Illinois, arrange for the production of aerials and the creation of data such as parcel information, roadway and waterRead… Read more »

03.17.13 Your Morning Buzz

Welcome Newest Members Carine Arendes, Portland State University, Assistant Campus Planner Upcoming Forums March 21: ELGL Willamette Valley Presents “No Comment” — and Other Stupid Things You Should Never Say to Media April 11: Greg Baker, Damascus City Manager April 17: K.L. Wombacher, Hillsboro Hops General Manager October 4: ELGL Annual Conference at the KennedyRead… Read more »

KM Expo at USAID

Last February 26 I joined other State Department colleagues in staffing the exhibit table for our Program and Project Management Community of Practice (PPMCOP) at USAID’s KM Expo in the Ronald Reagan Building. Another table was hosted by State’s Office of eDiplomacy where I work as a contract Senior SharePoint Advisor. I enjoyed interacting withRead… Read more »

Using Google Street View for Engineering Submittals

Many people are probably familiar with Google Maps. This online tool offered by Google allows you to see an aerial view of a specific area and get directions and travel times from one address to another. Some might also take advantage of Google’s “street view” which allows you to see a location as if youRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was another week of stocks starting in the lower left hand corner on the chart, and ending in the top right. Momentum is on the bulls’ side and the positive economic data has justified the move, but have stocks gone too far, too fast? Here are the up to date TSP fund returns throughRead… Read more »

UK Gov camp 2013

Last Saturday I made my annual pilgrimage to UK Gov Camp, or UKGC. This year was only my third, others have been going far longer than I including some of my colleagues though I’d not actually come across any of them before which considering past shyness, is not so surprising. Anyway. Had UKGC happened whenRead… Read more »

Gender-based Tablets? Meet “ePad Femme”

It was bound to happen sooner or later. That is, private sector companies marketing the latest tablets to consumers based on their sex — it could be a money maker, never know? World’s First Tablet for Women According to Mashable: “Don’t worry, ladies. There’s finally an easy-to-use tablet just for us. It’s called the ePadRead… Read more »