Yearly Archives: 2013

Work Order Management Streamlines Daily Operations for Companies

In business, it’s important to keep facilities running smoothly and efficiently so that daily operations don’t detract from the company’s core purpose. While the primary objective of most corporations is to generate revenue while serving their customers to the best of their ability, daily nuisances such as broken equipment, manual business processes, upgrades, replacements andRead… Read more »

Deployment Options: On-Premise versus SaaS

Yet another unique and valuable aspect of Jetstream is the choice between a SaaS (Software as a Service) or on-premise deployment. We believe giving organizations this choice adds to the overall flexibility of our solutions and contributes to Apptricity’s ability to provide software that is adaptive to the organization’s processes and infrastructure. For an expertRead… Read more »

Empowering Supply Chain and Financial Processes

Another unique element of Jetstream is the fact that we allow you to automate both supply chain and financial processes. Many of the vendors we find ourselves in competition with only offer one or the other. Here are a few reasons why we think that’s a benefit worth mentioning: Powerful automation applications across the boardRead… Read more »

Automating Buying: From E-procurement to Asset Management and Beyond

You know the old saying about the left hand needing to know what the right hand is doing? It also applies to your organization’s automated buying processes. In order to realize the full benefits of your investment, it’s vital that all pieces of your system are well integrated, including a broad suite of e-procurement andRead… Read more »

“Above the Cloud” – A Message from CEO Tim Garcia

What Makes Jetstream Unique When I founded Apptricity, it was with one major guiding premise, “the business should run the software, not the other way around.” We continue in this way for all our development and all the solutions that we create. This month, I am focusing on the idea behind our Jetstream platform, particularlyRead… Read more »

Think You Know Digital Communications?

A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. Government communicators and web managers need a framework and specific steps to effectively use digital communications to help their organizations meet mission-critical goals. In this half-day pre-conference workshop, Joseph Porcelli and Natalie Fedie of GovDelivery will teach you strategies and tactics you can implement right away toRead… Read more »

April’s Confab Call with Brad Rourke

Join us on Wednesday, April 10th at 2pm Eastern for an NCDD “Confab Call” with Brad Rourke. After the Newtown shooting, Brad worked quickly to develop an Issue Advisory (or brief issue framework) for the National Issues Forums Institute titled “How Can We Stop Mass Shootings in Our Communities?” I asked Brad to talk toRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 15, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This past week, I attended SxSWi, at which there were numerous panels and meetups of interest to Gov20. The three most prominent strains that I saw developing centered around open government (meaning both opening government data and government processes), expanding government into the digital space, and conversations about the role of government inRead… Read more »