Yearly Archives: 2013

The Five Keys A Facilitator Brings

Solutions come from discussions. Strategic solutions develop from structured discussions. For strategic planning, a facilitator is like the conductor of an orchestra – does not write the music or play the instruments, but does bring it all together for the desired result. The facilitator is an asset to a critical planning session bringing their experienceRead… Read more »

Thoughts on the disruptive web

I spoke to a group of civil servants this week as part of their development program’s lunchtime speaker series; the talk covered a lot of ground and I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my key messages from the discussion. The web is disruptive The internet has disrupted, is disrupting, or willRead… Read more »

Leadership Is About Initiative

So why do our elected leaders have few initiatives? The dictionary defines “initiative” as the action of taking the first step; responsibility for beginning or originating; the characteristic of originating new ideas or methods; the ability to think and act without being urged by another. Napoleon Hill, a well known author on how to beRead… Read more »

Australian Online Community Management Report launched

Quiip and Delib Australia have just released the Australian Online Community Management Report, the first research that has ever been conducted specifically on the emerging profession of online community managers in Australia. The report has been designed to: assist people professionally managing online communities to articulate their skills, challenges and support requirements, support organisations enteringRead… Read more »

Open Data Day: Lessons for Hacktivists

This piece is cross-posted on TechPresident where I post articles on the intersection of politics, technology and transparency and serve as an editor. Three years ago, after a chance encounter with Daniela Silva and Pedro Markun of Sao Paulo and a meeting with Edward Ocampo-Gooding and Mary Beth Baker in Ottawa, with whom I sharedRead… Read more »

Nerd API

Yes I know, a human as an API is going to be a bit challenging and stretching a metaphor slightly. Bear with me. In my life, I have had the pleasure of both spending a lot of time with geeks/nerds and also managing them (for the purposes of this post, I am going to referRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: A few take home pointers from GovCamp 2013 Beta testing the Service Standard Of the web, not on the web Asynchronous social learning is newer than you think Using Social Media Surgeries to Improve Perceptions of Safety in Birmingham 20 Alternatives to Google Reader Attracting TheRead… Read more »