Yearly Archives: 2013

The Future of Government Customer Service: 4 Trends to Watch

For GovLoop’s Agency of the Future Guide to Customer Service, we asked more than 250 respondents to give us their opinion on customer service in government today and their predictions regarding its future. The guide explores the results from our survey in more detail, but for a sneak peek, see the highlights below. Basic Facts:Read… Read more »

GSA Issues Call to Landowners for New FBI HQ Location Ideas

The General Services Administration is looking for a new location that would function as a consolidated headquarters for the FBI. Landowners in the District of Columbia and neighboring counties have been asked to submit proposals for the new site and GSA will accept submissions through Dec. 17. “GSA seeks to identify sites that would beRead… Read more »

Marc Hébert: Why I’m Coding for America

“People do not come with standardized circumstances,” a librarian shared with me during my research in Applied Anthropology prior to starting the Code for America Fellowship. At that time, I was documenting how Floridians experience the design of an online application process for Medicaid and Food Stamps (now called “SNAP”). The librarian’s statement speaks toRead… Read more »

How Can the Government Buy Cloud Computing Most Effectively?

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. This report, written by Shannon Howie Tufts and Meredith Leigh Weiss at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, discuss major issues to address in cloud contracts. With the movement of government activities to leverage cloudRead… Read more »

Coffeeneuring #7: Washington Navy Yard

Destination: Buzz Bakery, Navy Yard, Washington, DC Total distance: 11 miles The great thing about biking around a city is the surprises you see along the way. Being on a bike allows you to cover large amounts of ground quickly – but it also lets you stop and check things out, in ways that youRead… Read more »

For Federal Agencies: What’s the Big Deal with Big Data? by Steve Krauss

Original post here: Public Spend Forum- the global destination for public procurement by Steve Krauss @PSpendForum “Big Data” is the Big Buzzword in government tech circles these days. At the recent American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) in Williamsburg, VA, it was clear that yesterday’s hot topic—movement toRead… Read more »

5 Tips on Creating Your IDP

It’s that time of the year – Individual Development Plan time. Your agency may not use that word but you probably do it. The time you require each individual to create their training plan they hope to accomplish in 2014. So here’s my five tips to create a great training plan (individual development plan): 1)Read… Read more »

Government’s 21st Century Learning Community

What do you do as a government employee when you have a question on the job? You likely have four options: You “Google” it. You ask a colleague. You look for a relevant document on your desk, desktop computer or shared drive. You try to see if there’s an upcoming training that can help you.Read… Read more »

GCPEDIA: A David Among Goliaths

Originally published at Last week I picked up Malcom Gladwell’s latest book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants, and crushed it over the course of a couple of days*. The book explores the power asymmetries between incumbents and upstarts and how successful upstarts exploit those asymmetries by engaging inRead… Read more »

Oracle’s Latest Move Is BIG

Following the procurement and acquisition cycles of leading companies can be a daunting process, yet it is often the best way to predict which technologies will become essential in the years to come. An important example of an acquisition with this kind of significance is Oracle’s recent purchase of Big Machines, a cloud-based platform. AtRead… Read more »