Yearly Archives: 2013

Open up and learn

I’ve just spent a week in Japan and Korea delivering workshops on design thinking to clients. I’ve been working alongside a new colleague who, in the short time we’ve worked together, has taught me a great deal about my presentation style, the way carry myself, and my inclination (at times to my detriment) to certainty.Read… Read more »

So I’m back at work now …

So I’m back at work officially after a 6 week hiatus to deal with the implosion of my parental unit, it’s not pretty, there are sweeping implications, I’m exhausted, frustrated, and trying really hard not to let bleed into my interactions with my kids, my wife, and my day job now that I’m back inRead… Read more »

Aphorism 79

If it’s got a Change Management Board, it means it isn’t changing. Anthony Zacharzewski Original post

What Will Be the Obama Administration’s Legacy on Education Policy?

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s online MPA program, MPA@UNC – a top degree for public service leaders. Follow MPA@UNC on Twitter at @MPAatUNC. — Education has become a hot topic again as the U.S. trails away from a recessionRead… Read more »

Launch Festival 2013: A Healthcare Innovation Perspective

Original photo: Cristian Liu The following is a guest post by Cristian Liu, a healthcare strategist with in-depth experience in international services, technology and government sectors. Cristian is passionate about the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship and social innovation. Follow him on Twitter. Three days of demos, pitches, and inspirational talks. $100,000 invested into a hackathonRead… Read more »

Great Science Fairs

Dannielle commented, Curious what do you think makes for a great science fair? Top 5-10 elements. Really good question. The Junior Academy of the Washington Academy of Sciences provides judges for many school science fairs every year. I started as a judge in the program and succeeded the founder several years ago. I am proRead… Read more »

When to carpe diem

I spend a lot of time talking about discipline and routine. Having a regular approach to how you do business and how you run your life is beneficial to your personal performance and your job performance. It’s part of this regular approach to continual improvement that gets you to where you want to be overRead… Read more »

Wading through the sequestration back and forth – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Sequestration is a monumental loss of government productivity and further erodes what the government is supposed to be doing,” said UMD Public Policy Dean, Don Kettl. Do you agree? The DorobekINSIDER Sequestration reader: Day 6 — There are talks The headlines: There are talks going on. Last night, President Obama metRead… Read more »

Sequestration & Social Media

Well, sequestration is in our midst and there isn’t much that we can do about it. By now I’m sure you all have heard the many consequences sequestration will likely bring: Furloughs, longer lines at the airport, prison lockdowns higher risks of terrorism, women and children taken off of WIC… canceled white house tours! Well,Read… Read more »