Yearly Archives: 2013

Off peak office

Perhaps I didn’t need to write this morning’s blog post. I could have just linked to this video instead – Dave Coplin on fine form, with bravura illustration. RSA Animate – Re-Imagining Work from The RSA on Vimeo. This is the film of the book, and the book is very good too – short, sharpRead… Read more »

This is Water

A video I find myself watching on a fairly regular basis is “This is Water”. It is an adaptation of a commencement speech given by David Foster Wallace at Kenyon College in 2005. If you haven’t seen the video before it is well worth 9 minutes of your time. I’m no saint but since firstRead… Read more »

Government Computer Systems Breach

Although somewhat long reading (all three news stories are ~1100 words NOT counting alot of relevant comments) I believe that this ought to have at the least somewhat wider distribution…. From NextGov: … The FBI memo, Reuters reports, was meant to call for aministrators to clean up the mess left behind by Lauri Love, aRead… Read more »

Peak office

Culture eats technology for breakfast (to adapt the more common version, that culture eats strategy for breakfast – but culture is omnivorous, so no problem there). The critical question which follows from that statement gets much less attention: where are we going to have breakfast. That question is the focus of this post. Not longRead… Read more »

L-Podcast Episode 006 – Barry Hopping, Chairman of the School Committee of the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts

Welcome to the latest edition of the series of discussions with thought leaders who are bringing new and innovative solutions to the challenges government faces in delivering services to the citizen. +++++++ My guest for this episode is Barry Hopping, Chairman of the School Committee of the Town of Ipswich Massachusetts. Barry has served theRead… Read more »

Dave Guarino: Why I’m Coding for America

I’ve got two passions in life: public policy wonkery and building things. I decided to work in public policy because the stakes of public problems are simply too high. Markets work incredibly well to foster solutions to a very specific domain of problem. When some product can be excluded from those not paying; when oneRead… Read more »

Reflections on Technology from Davenport

This post comes via the Gov 2.0 Watch blog, which is a project of our partners at the Davenport Institute. You can read the post below or find the original here. We think a lot about using technology to enhance democracy here at NCDD, and we wanted to share this post that reminds that technologyRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

We started the week coming off the jobs report that triggered a big rally the Friday before. The stock market digested those gains for a couple of days and by the open on Wednesday it looked like we may see a bit of a pullback. But then the Janet Yellen confirmation hearings started, and theRead… Read more »

Momentum on Procurement Reform

In following the conversations with over 500 members of the broader civic tech network at the 2013 Code for America Summit , I was struck by a shared commitment from the community: a commitment to speak candidly and honestly about the barriers we must address and the collaboration required to reduce those barriers. Many challengesRead… Read more »