Yearly Archives: 2013

Yes, the Government is Still Hiring

Last week, we held a virtual government career fair with over 6,000 registrants. During the event, I answered 100+ questions from attendees in our networking lounge and our “Ask the Expert” series. The number one question I received was: “Is the Government Still Hiring?” Most people were worried that, with budget cuts and sequestration, theRead… Read more »

Experimenting In City Hall

Creativity is the number one skill needed by companies today. Constant change and innovation is necessary for organizations to thrive and survive today. Yet most City Halls and Town halls do things as they have always done them for many years. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino created the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics to encourageRead… Read more »

Sequestration and DoD: Watching that old pendulum swing!

By ChrisScott Watching that old pendulum swing! Nothing puts me to sleep faster than the tick-tock of a clock. Better yet: a grandfather clock! I love sitting there watching the pendulum swing back and forth, back and forth. It’s hypnotic! So maybe that’s why I keep falling asleep as this “sequestration crisis” implodes around me!Read… Read more »

White House on unlocking smartphones, iWatch details and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top mobile news and stories of the day. The White House responds: phones and tablets should be unlockable – After the Library of Congress stated that (carrier) unlocking your smartphone would be illegal, a petition to the White House was heard, and the FCC will be investigating the legalityRead… Read more »

Pre-pubescent hackers – what are governments doing to protect their systems?

Hacking is child’s play – or so it seems as young people, some aged only 11, are beginning to use various tools and instructions online to hack into online games (as reported by Mashable). The rise of state-based hacking (whether for political or commercial reasons) has profoundly changed challenges facing government agencies, both in termsRead… Read more »

Sequestration’s Looming Furlough Implications

by Stephanie Sullivan, Consultant Federal employees and contractors have been waiting on bated breath about the impact of looming furloughs…but it looks like the wait is nearly over. Federal agencies have already begun doling out memos with grim announcements that resemble one released by the Department of Justice, “DOJ proposes to furlough you no earlierRead… Read more »

Improve your diet, improve your life

Feeling good is a big part of executing well and performing at a high level. One of the things that I’ve found that’s really helped me over the last year is having a much cleaner diet. I know that this is fairly outside the realm of topics that I usually cover but I believe itRead… Read more »

Why Don’t Any Big Cities Have Municipal Broadband?

I haven’t written a post in a while, but reading an interesting article in Atlantic Cities today, Why Are There No Big Cities with Municipal Broadband Networks?, I was reminded of some past posts and wanted to take the opportunity to bring some thoughts together. The largest city in the United States with its ownRead… Read more »

Sequester Day 3 – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budget cuts, scandals and travel restrictions have caused the General Service Administration to cancel their 2013 Expo. We talk with Larry Allen about the impacts of the cancelled conference. Click here for the full recap. The DorobekINSIDER sequestration reader: Day 3 Unlike the government shutdowns during the Clinton years, nothing muchRead… Read more »