Yearly Archives: 2013

Triumfant: Malware Detection and Remediation

By Marcus Williams Background Triumfant, Inc. is a privately held company with a focus on detecting and remediating cyber attacks. Triumfant has a ’Assume Nothing, Scan everything’ approach to cyber detection and prevention. This approach was developed in response to changes in the threat landscape that greatly increased the frequency and sophistication of targeted attacksRead… Read more »

03.04.13 Your Morning Buzz

Rose City Yarn Crawl fills 18 Portland-area knitting shops Welcome Newest Members Corporate Member: Ben Patinkin, President, Patinkin Research Strategies Ben Patinkin, founder and President of Patinkin Research Strategies, has over a decade of experience providing research and strategic consulting for Democratic candidates, labor unions, conservation groups, issue advocacy campaigns and corporations. A graduate ofRead… Read more »

Evernote hacked, 2013 Cloud Security concerns and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Evernote Hack Exposes User Data, Forces Extensive Password Resets – If you are an Evernote user, chances are you got quite the shock this weekend. Evernote forced a manual reset for all of its users, and “About 50 million passwords haveRead… Read more »

Reinventing the Role of Government Communicators – A Collective Effort!

A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. Can government communicators influence their leaders toward greater transparency? That’s the goal of a major effort in South Eastern Europe. Having done away with their socialist past in the early 1990s following the break-up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the nation states in the broader regionRead… Read more »

A Conscious Leader’s Approach To The Top 5 Leadership Questions from Government Supervisors…Part 2

As I mentioned before, when I started going through the top 5 questions that I hear from government supervisors, I realized that the article was getting rather long. As promised, here are the remaining questions…plus one bonus question that is often in the back of supervisors’ minds and never spoken. If you missed the firstRead… Read more »

School of digital

SchoolofDigital is bringing together something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now – effective online training that brings together the advantages of e-learning with the benefits of face to face training. It’s a hard nut to crack, but with some of the experiments I’ve been running recently with Steve Dale, David WilcoxRead… Read more »

An Update on piXlogic: Next-Generation Visual Search Solutions for Workgroups and the Enterprise

By Bob Gourley piXlogic is widely known in the DoD and intelligence community for its ability to provide visual search solutions that automatically analyze and index the contents of images and video files, providing unparalleled levels of search functionality. They are also widely known in commercial industry, winning awards from such noted journals as KMWorld.Read… Read more »

The Moment of Oh! – Introduction (ebook free on the 5th)

Public servants and community leaders get a lot of things right. Because of their efforts, their communities enjoy services and benefits that the community rarely needs to consider. However, a few crucial decisions can become lightning rods for communities we know. This guide was written with those high-voltage community decisions in mind. We, the authors,Read… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Formal learning doesn’t have to be all that formal – Is Facebook Destroying the American College Experience? – ★ Open and Shut – Digital technology and care – how do we promote more connected thinking? – Why I won’t be rushing to attend KM conferences –Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

We saw volatility pick up last week, but as volatile as it was, the indices ended the week quite close to where they began, showing just minor gains or losses for the week. The bond fund (F) led the way with a 0.43% gain. Here are the TSP fund returns for the week of FebruaryRead… Read more »