Yearly Archives: 2013

Federal Opportunity Alert: Business Intelligence to Fuel USDA Strategic Sourcing

by Chris Wiedemann, Analyst Speaking at an AFCEA Bethesda breakfast panel on shared services and strategic sourcing this morning, Lisa Wilusz, Director of USDA’s Office of Procurement and Property Management, identified a glaring lack in the Department’s efforts to streamline procurement for commodity products: they don’t know what they already have. Without getting into tooRead… Read more »

Sequestration & Your Retirement – How the Cuts Effect Your TSP? Plus Your Weekend Reads

DorobekINSIDER’s Issue of the Week: No surprise, it’s sequestration. You can see some of the top GovLoop sequestration stories here: We Answer Your Sequestration Questions – The What, Why, When of Furloughs Know your rights if you’re furloughed So that means furlough notices could go out as early as Monday. Furloughs would obviously cause aRead… Read more »

WashingtonExec: News and insight for the DC area executive

By Bob Gourley In this series of posts we are providing views on three key community-focused, virtuous collaborative venue that help the DC tech community exchange lessons learned and accomplish big goals. With this series we hope to provide insights you can use to make the most out of MeriTalk, GovLoop, and WashingtonExec. We selectedRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2013

This article has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contribution. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Mobility helping government caseworkers. In Governing, William Eggers writes about his new report “Gov on the Go: Boosting Public Sector Productivity by Going Mobile,” Pinterest helping home-cooks everywhere. A few weeks ago, I wrote and spoke about 10 Pinterest boards that I’d likeRead… Read more »

Characteristics Female Voters Find Attractive in Male Candidates Running For Local Public Offices

A study conducted by the Association of Women Voters of America {AWVA} in 2012 revealed there are several characteristics female voters find attractive in male candidates running for local public offices {i.e. County Boards, City Councils, School Boards, Township Offices, Village Boards, Parishes and Boroughs etc.}. The characteristics that seem to attract to women votersRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Canberra lunch event videos from February

Gavin Tapp has done his magic and so, with the assistance of the ACT Government, I’m happy to present both videos from the Gov 2.0 event I ran in Canberra on the 14th. I’ve embedded both videos in order below with the bios of the speakers. Darren Cutrupi Darren Cutrupi has been the Manager, MediaRead… Read more »

#COMMSCAMP13: My 20 wishes and hopes list

So, here they are. To continue the list meme things that struck me after commscamp an unconference for pr and comms people. I wish there was more of these. I hope that some people who came to commscamp left as inspired as I did when I left localgovcamp in 2009. I wish there was moreRead… Read more »