Yearly Archives: 2013

28 Feb CTOvision Podcast

By Bob Gourley In this podcast we explore the topic of Cyber Threat Amnesia, the observed historical tendency of people in leadership positions in organizations to forget that they face a dynamic, changing threat that will always be there trying to find a way in. We also talk about ways that Cyber Threat Amnesia canRead… Read more »

It’s a Fiscal Cliff! It’s a Sequester! It’s Ineffective Leadership?

As much as I would like to jump on the “sequester bandwagon” and write yet another article about the impact this enormous change will have on our country, I’m going to take a different approach on the topic that is monopolizing water cooler discussions these days. I, like the rest of us, have been readingRead… Read more »

Death and Taxes with Nate Reagan, CPA, Handy and Reagan

Death and Taxes Nate Reagan, CPA, Handy and Reagan, LLC [email protected] or 503.635.6100 Stay connected with Handy & Reagan: Facebook, Website and LinkedIn Tis’ the season for procrastinating about filing your tax return. To put an end to your procrastination we have enlisted Nate Reagan, CPA, Handy & Reagan. (Full disclosure: Handy & Reagan volunteersRead… Read more »

Yahoo! Denying Employees Telecommuting – What’s the Real Reason?

So those who may not know, Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer announced that employees are no longer allowed to telecommute – at all. So it appears the government is not the only institution that has issues with telework (whatever happened to the full implementation of that policy anyway? And why hasn’t the government revisited ROWE?) IRead… Read more »

Immigration in the Age of #Social: Do Not Risk Becoming Obsolete

Today is the third anniversary of my retirement from CIA. I’ve learned a lot in these 3 years. One particular plus has been getting to observe how this generation of knowledge workers is incorporating new tools to think and do differently. At Deloitte Consulting we’ve become advocates for the transformational impact of social and workRead… Read more »

Asphalt Infographic

The next infographic up for your viewing pleasure comes from the National Asphalt Pavement Association – definitely a site you’ll want to check out for everything asphalt. Thanks to T. Carter Ross, vice president for communications, for sharing their infographic “7 Keys to Highly Successful Parking Lots.” This infographic is based upon an informative andRead… Read more »

Three Ways Tech Is Changing Culture in DC (and One Way It Isn’t)

For Social Media Week DC, I participated in a panel that discussed how tech is changing the culture in the nation’s capital. All of the panelists had interesting points and perspectives–espoused by Microsoft’s Dr. Mark Drapeau, Carousel30’s Greg Kihlstrom, and PageLever’s Jesse Channon. For my part, I talked about three ways in which tech isRead… Read more »

Forget the 80:20 and 90:9:1 Rules. For Online Training, It’s 50:50.

When it comes to group behavior, most of us – both anecdotally and based on research – cite the Pareto Principle (aka “the 80/20 Rule”). Generally, this principle states that 20% of the people create 80% of the value for an organization. This 20% group includes those standout leaders who make most organizations function moreRead… Read more »