Yearly Archives: 2013

Integrity Is A Low Cost Option

We met with a prospect who had an interesting offer, a real need, and a cheerful outlook. That is rare. Only later when we were parsing what we had been told, we realized it couldn’t possibly be true. There were some order of magnitude inconsistencies between the inputs and the outputs. Oops. There are peopleRead… Read more »

We Answer Your Sequestration Questions – The What, Why, When of Furloughs

Sequestration goes into effect on Friday and the quickly approaching deadline has feds asking a lot of questions. Like when will furloughs happen and for how long? Last week we talked with John Mahoney a partner and chair of the Labor and Employment Law Practice at Tully Rinckey about knowing your rights if you areRead… Read more »

Using the Force and ArcGIS Data Mapping in the Golden Age of Data

This week Esri has been holding various events to teach, collaborate with and get feedback from government agencies. The hope is that through this collaboration, Esri can continue to create tools and platforms such as ArcGIS that can be used by government agencies to help groups of people and the nation as a whole. ToRead… Read more »

Does Mobility Destroy Creativity?

With Telework Week fast approaching on March 4th and the leaked memo from Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, turning back the clock on workplace flexibility, it seems like a good time to comment on the twin concepts of “connection” and “innovation.” Whatever Mayer’s real motivation for wanting to bring the Yahoo workforce back into the office,Read… Read more »

Integrate Continuous Improvement Into Your Organization’s Culture And Daily Activities

A continuous organization improvement program can be easily implemented and very beneficial using minimal organization resources. It’s important that you establish a continuous improvement program; not assume that improvement suggestions and efforts will appear without encouragement by management. And it should be become inherent in your culture and day-to-day work activities throughout you organization. ARead… Read more »

HR tops GAO High Risk List – What’s the Relationship to Budget Cuts, Sequester?

For the 12th year in a row human resources issues have topped the Government Accountability Office’s High Risk List. (You can find our conversation with the GAO here.) But really how can agencies improve hiring and retention with hiring and pay freezes plus budgets cuts and the threat of sequesters? Tom Fox is the ViceRead… Read more »

The Right Words Can Motivate!

A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. A truly inspirational speech can motivate people to take action. Great communicators are always searching for just that right combination of words that will make the difference between engaging the audience or putting them to sleep. Whether you are a full-time speechwriter or just tasked with writingRead… Read more »

02.27.13 Your Morning Buzz

Art at Hillsboro baseball park to respond to Hops fans with lights and music Welcome Newest Member: Lauren Stott, Northern Illinois MPA, Administrative Intern Join ELGL: Students (free), individuals ($20), and organizations ($250) Upcoming Forums: March 1: ELGL Conference Planning Committee Meeting March 7: Tiffany Couch, Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting April 11: Greg Baker,Read… Read more »