Yearly Archives: 2013

Estimating the Cost of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Implementation

Many government agencies are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to build line of business solutions using an approach that Microsoft calls xRM. One of the challenges is to calculate the cost of such an implementation. One of the questions I am asked most frequently by clients is to estimate the cost of a software implementation project.Read… Read more »

Government Competitions Redux: TopCoder and the Power of Crowdsourcing – 1

Competitions are changing the way government iterates and innovates. NASA and OPM have both opted to use TopCoder to create new apps. TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world. TopCoder harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. Mike Lydon is the Chief Technology Officer and Jim McKeownRead… Read more »

GovLoop: The Premier Government Online Community

By Bob Gourley In this series of posts we are providing views on three key community-focused, virtuous collaborative venue that help the DC tech community exchange lessons learned and accomplish big goals. With this series we hope to provide insights you can use to make the most out of MeriTalk, GovLoop, and WashingtonExec. We selectedRead… Read more »

Exploring How Enterprise Content Management Improves Workflows and Organizational Efficiencies

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology is helping to transform how government delivers services. The post below briefly highlights ECM technology and the benefits of ECM. Government is certainly in a transitional period as to how services are delivered, and core to this transition is freeing government of the burden of paper, and placing workers, staff,Read… Read more »

We Interrupt This Broadcast – 4 Lessons from Tampa Water Boil Notice

This Friday and Saturday, there was a 48 hour boil notice for water in my area (City of Tampa). Pretty simple – you were not allowed to drink tap water without boiling it first otherwise there might be health issues. It affected 600,000 individuals in the area plus the trickle-down affects of restaurants, coffee shops,Read… Read more »

Educating Citizens About Government Finances

As communities across the country make more information available on-line, greater attention is being placed on making that information more understandable to the public. In particular government budgets are often reported in a format that is hard for most people to decipher and understand. The Association of Government Accountants (AGA) several years ago started aRead… Read more »

Does Tourism Australia have the world’s biggest social media team?

Tourism Australia has released a fascinating study of their success in using social media to raise awareness of Australia as a travel destination, including a guide to how other organisations can use similar approaches to build engagement online, espousing principles such as: Create platforms that your fans can build on Make your advocates the heroesRead… Read more »