Yearly Archives: 2013

Controlled Fall

Different perspectives… A walk is a controlled fall. Leaning forward increases speed. We are generally failing right up to the point of success. It’s healthy to learn to appreciate failure and be able to use it effectively. The only time you have excess money is when you no longer have something to apply it to,Read… Read more »

Product Webinar: Attract the Right Candidate with Recruiting Ads for Facebook

Register Today Time: Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 10 am PSTSpeaker: Jeff Foster Global Director, Facebook Recruitment Advertising , Work4 Labs Register now for an in-depth look at how to: Target Your Audience with Classic Ads Re-engage Potential Candidates with Retargeting Build a Candidate Database with Custom and Lookalike Audiences Grow Your Audience with SponsoredRead… Read more »

Telework in Trouble? Why Mandatory Implementation is Needed Now…

Telework Week 2013 is just around the corner. Unfortunately, for federal agencies and taxpayers alike, creating a remote work environment has not arrived fast enough government-wide for all eligible employees. Therefore, the following questions merit consideration: 1) Can Uncle Sam get a grip on institutionalizing telework for all eligible employees? 2) Would mandatory and uniformRead… Read more »

Infographic: The Australian Government’s commitment to open data

Last Friday the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner released a major report on the release of public sector information by Australian Government agencies. The report, Open public sector information: from principles to practice, is available online and is a relative straightforward read. The OAIC also released the aggregated data for the report into… Read more »

02.24.13 Your Morning Buzz

Welcome Newest Member: Adam J. Hackman, Drake University MPA, Student Join ELGL: Students (free), individuals ($20), and organizations ($250) Upcoming Forums: March 1: ELGL Conference Planning Committee Meeting March 7: Tiffany Couch, Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting April 11: Greg Baker, Damascus City Manager April 17: K.L. Wombacher, Hillsboro Hops General Manager October 4: ELGLRead… Read more »

Practical Science

It’s Science Fair season and judges from the Junior Academy of the Washington Academy of Sciences were evaluating projects at Washington Mathematics Science and Technology Public Charter High School. What has changed in 2013?The baseline projects are getting better. There are books and websites for improving science projects and the students are using them. ThatRead… Read more »

Adjust Your Budget to the Sequester

The sequester is looking more likely, so what are you doing to adapt if your paycheck is cut 20%? Here are a few things you can do: Revisit your budget. Develop a new budget baseline. Include the things you absolutely must have. This means your rent/morgage, utilities, groceries and transportation budgets. Track them with Mint.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – 02/23/13

The stock market saw its first shakeup of the new year last week with a 2% decline from Tuesdays’ high to Thursday’s low. Hardly anything to panic about, and we did get a snap back rally on Friday, but we did see some technical breakdowns in the charts after a couple of false breakouts. HereRead… Read more »

A Rivalry Coming To An End – And Much Too Soon – Syracuse vs. Georgetown

Hey Govloopers – Happy Saturday!!! Doc Nix – and the esteemed Green Machine from George Mason will warm you up with their version of a Rage classic: Three weeks from tomorrow it will be Selection Sunday (you make sure you stay tuned here because we’re going to have a bracket challenge on Govloop) – theRead… Read more »