Yearly Archives: 2013

Sequestration Obscures Fiscal Reality

The “Fiscal Cliff” was supposed to be a failsafe mechanism. Unfortunately, it now appears likely to fail. Just the threat of a sequester was supposed to ensure bipartisan consensus between Congress and the White House on a host of contentious issues of taxes and spending. Yet the term “compromise” has become a dirty word inRead… Read more »

Top Ten Ways Feds Can Help With the Sequester

Top Ten Ways Feds Can Help With the Sequester 10. As building maintenance is curtailed, chip in and bring in some cleaning products from home 9. Bathroom duty 8. Sell snacks to the people waiting for hours at the new TSA security lines 7. Offer to be a plane spotter to help the short handedRead… Read more »

Parasite Insects: Bed Little Bugs

If you are initial your current plow, it is more preferable to forestall each of our potentially precarious variations like harvesting ould like and fire ants. These kinds of ould like can produce problems if handled wrongly. Now the examine is from where to pull together the objects and more important, the bugs. Some ofRead… Read more »

Incentives: Making the world go round

I think most managers are familiar with the phrase, “what gets measured gets done,” and I think our common sense tells us that we ought to be careful about the things that we incentivize because it will affect the types of behavior that occur. A lot of people will wonder why it doesn’t always workRead… Read more »


In the lift at work: “Hi, you’re @loulouk aren’t you? I’m @xxxxxx. I thought I should introduce myself, I keep hearing your name around the people I work with” “Oh yeah, I’m the dork” “You’re in a room full of them” Later in the day in Tibits: “So what are you nerd about then” “Trains,Read… Read more »

Geeking Out with Google Glass

It’s not news to say that technology is evolving at the speed of light. In just my lifetime, cellphones have changed from the briefcase-toting behemoths, to indestructible, monochromatic-screened bricks, to todays touch-screen technological miracles. On top of the cellphone, we’ve been given the privilege of using other mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets toRead… Read more »

Passing the Torch

Code Across America takes place this weekend. On Saturday, Feb 23, the ATX Civic Hackathon III will happen in Austin, Texas. You can read about it here. Last year, Austin was a Code for America partner city. We hosted three fabulous fellows (Aurelio Tinio, Joe Merante, and Emily Wright Moore). While they were here, theRead… Read more »