Yearly Archives: 2013

Why Code Across America?

This weekend, in 22 communities throughout country, hundreds of passionate citizens are coming together to Code Across America. “I’m coding for America because I want to radically alter the relationship between citizens and government.” – Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom “I code for America because I want innovation to be synonymous with city hall” – CfARead… Read more »

Moderating friends and relatives – when official duties and personal life collide

I’ve had several discussions lately with people managing official government social media channels about the most difficult moderation challenge they face – their families and friends. It is very common practice for people launching a new social media channel for their agency to tell their friends and relatives about it, both to share something theyRead… Read more »

Tiffany Couch, ELGL March Speaker, to Audit Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership?

RSVP: Forum with Tiffany Couch, Forensic Accountant Council schedules last-minute meeting on water project audit Written by Kara Hansen Murphey, Lake Oswego Review The Lake Oswego City Council today scheduled a Friday meeting to consider hiring Tiffany Couch to conduct a cost-benefit audit of the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership. Couch, of Vancouver, Wash.-based Acuity Group,Read… Read more »

Accellion is the #1 choice of IT and Security professionals for enterprise file sharing and sync

Download Free Gartner MarketScope Report: Accellion, Inc., has received the highest rating possible, a “Strong Positive” in the Gartner MarketScope for “Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing based on evaluation of the Accellion Secure Mobile File sharing solution.” The Gartner MarketScope notes that “enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) offerings enable productivity and collaboration for mobileRead… Read more »

Oh Snap!

A Highlight from the upcoming NAGC Communications School. Many of us communications professionals find ourselves serving as our organization’s de facto staff photographer, whether or not we’ve had any formal training in photography. This is especially true for those of us who work in smaller government offices with small staffs, or, perhaps, are a staffRead… Read more »

Sequester Looms Large at Agencies: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If the March 1st sequestration deadline isn’t met, more than 800,000 federal employees will be furloughed. So what can you do if you are a furloughed employee. We get insights from employment attorney. Click here for the recap. If you missed the DorobekINSIDER Live BYOD Panel yesterday featuring, EEOC’s Kimberly Hancher,Read… Read more »

Not Just a Dusty Attic: National Archives in a Digital Age

Information Professionals Blog Series In an increasingly digital world, information management professionals are taking center stage. But outside of the IT tech guys we associate with online world, we forget about the original records managers: the Archivists and Librarians. This blog series will attempt to highlight how culture is changing within federal archives and librariesRead… Read more »

Know your rights if you’re furloughed – Sequestration Deadline Approaching

The March 1st deadline for sequestration is only a week away. And agency managers are grappling with the very real possibility that they will be forced to furlough thousands of workers. The DoD has already announced that if a deal to avert sequestration is not passed, it will be forced to furlough 800,000 civilian workers.Read… Read more »