Yearly Archives: 2013

The Two-P Syndrome*

When it comes to fixing things around the house, I range between Unconscious and Conscious Incompetence depending on the task, (or the prior evening’s indulgences). Recently, while standing in the checkout line of my local Home Depot, (for the second time that day), I looked at the guy behind me and said “What is itRead… Read more »

Furloughs at DHS – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The President unveiled his long awaited Executive Order to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure during the State of the Union. But what was in it? And how does it affect you and your agency? Insights from TechAmerica. Click here for the full recap. But First: Gov 2.0 It is aRead… Read more »

14 Feb CTOvision Podcast

By Bob Gourley In this podcast we offer assessments on two coming events of high interest, the 7 March Government Big Data Forum and the 8-10 April DIA Worldwide Mission Conference. We also offer context on these stories: Important Observations on Pentagon IT from Arthur Herman and John Scott and Joint Information Environment – IncrementRead… Read more »

Counting “Likes” and “Followers”: Social Networking Data and the Nat’l Library of Medicine

Companies and agencies are data obsessed. With the big data boom came the desire to leverage data in countless ways. Organizations began with analyzing their own data, but now the goal is to collect droves of information from outside sources, and in many cases, hiring companies to do it for them. Libraries are doing thisRead… Read more »

FedGeo Day 2013: The Conference for Open Source Geo Applications

FedGeo Day is a new conference focusing on modern, open source geospatial tools being used in and around the federal government. In recent history the mapping space has been transformed, with open source applications powering rapid advancement in web mapping, cartography, and GIS. New tools now exist that are powerful, open, and allow you toRead… Read more »

Big Data and Government R&D – Turning Overload into Information

In March 2012, the Obama Administration launched the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative” to capitalize on the fast-growing volume of data in today’s world. By investing over $200 million in research and development, federal agencies hoped to extract more information and better analysis to make smarter decisions that drive growth and efficiency. As aRead… Read more »

Heroes of Excellence Awards were created to recognize government programs that provide substantive improvements in government activities. But that is not the whole story – At a time when government employees were singled out at the cause for everything wrong in the world, we felt that it was important to put faces on the great things thatRead… Read more »

Odds & Ends

The First Rule of Brainstorming: Suspend Disbelief This interview with Kon Leong, co-founder, president and chief executive of ZL Technologies, an e-mail and file archiving company, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Q. Tell me about some important leadership lessons you’ve learned. A. One of my early jobs was selling computer hardware. What IRead… Read more »