Yearly Archives: 2013

5 Ideas on White House Innovation Toolkit

Last week, the White House announced round 2 of the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program. While five of the 9projects were continuations from the first one, there were 4 new projects. One that caught my eye was “Innovation Toolkit” – Developing an innovation toolkit that empowers our Federal workforce to respond to national priorities more quicklyRead… Read more »

Mission Focused Defense Intelligence WorldWide Conference: 8-10 April 2013 in Baltimore MD

By BobGourley The Department of Defense’s most elegant missions require advanced technologies exquisitely operated by highly trained professionals. This is especially true of intelligence missions, where complex situations involving threats to the nation must be assessed and acted upon quickly. One of the critically important mechanisms used by planners in DoD intelligence to collaborate andRead… Read more »

Gov & Love: 3 Valentine’s Day Tips at Work

Have you ever been struck by Cupid’s arrow at work? If so, a bit of common sense, good manners and politeness will go a long way towards keeping you out of big trouble. While the following “do’s” and “don’ts” are especially applicable to the workplace on Valentine’s Day, they also merit consideration every day —Read… Read more »

Update to “How Much Credit Do You Have To Give?”

At the end of last year, I published a post exploring copyright issues titled “How Much Credit Do You Have to Give?” Recently Bay Sweetwater contacted me to let me know some important information related to copyright and the Terms of Use for Second Life. She also shared a link to a very informative, copyright-relatedRead… Read more »

MarkLogic 6: An introduction

By Ryan Kamauff The latest permeation of MarkLogic (version 6) offers ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions, horizontal scaling, real-time indexing, high availability, disaster recovery, government-grade security and built-in search. MarkLogic has made application development easier with Java and REST APIs. They also added JSON support. This allows developers to use their language of choice,Read… Read more »

In the News

Statewide Unions propose state budget cuts of $278 million – A coalition of unions and other public-sector groups released a report Tuesday suggesting state government could save $278 million over the next biennium by making a series of spending cuts. The group said savings could come from three sources: $66 million by further reducing theRead… Read more »

New “Open Data Guide” Answers Whys and Hows of Growing Field

What’s with the buzz about open data these days? Why did New York City’s Chief Digital Officer Rachel Haot predict that, “Open data will saves lives” in 2013? Why did Mayor Emanuel in Chicago hire a Chief Data Officer? Cloud-based, open data software provider Socrata, Inc. has just release an “Open Data Field Guide” toRead… Read more »