Yearly Archives: 2013

Five Website Features You’ll Love (And So Will Your Visitors)

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, and we at OmniStudio want to express our love for beautiful web design. Open source tools like WordPress, combined with easy sharing plugins for social media posting, make it possible to build a website that you and your visitors will love. Here are some of ourRead… Read more »

CivicOpen: New Name, Old Idea

The other day Zac Townsend published a piece, “Introducing the idea of an open-source suite for municipal governments,” laying out the case for why cities should collaboratively create open source software that can be shared among them. I think it is a great idea. And I’m thrilled to hear that more people are excited aboutRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 11 February 2013

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web World building 201: Heuristics – Charlie’s Diary The ratio of the near future is: 90% of it is just like today, 9% is stuff that is on the drawing boards, and 1% is unutterably strange and alien and unexpected. Creativity at the heart of government –Read… Read more »

How to build a smart and innovative government agency – abandon 19th century organisational principles

NetFlix has released its ‘manifesto’ detailing how they operate and why, a document that Facebook’s COO has described as “the most important document to ever come out of Silicon Valley” and that has attracted well over three million views on Slideshare. It is the best document I’ve ever seen on building a smart and innovativeRead… Read more »

Part I: USC MPA from My APT

Introduction: New ELGL Column: “An MPA From My Apt.” The New York Times published an article recently about the 10K B.A., a news concept inspired by a Bill Gates challenge. Governors in Texas, Florida, and Wisconsin are exploring what it would take to offer the equivalent of a four year college degree for less thanRead… Read more »

Guest Buzzer February 12th: Rafael Baptista

Hello! During the Wyatt’s well deserved vacation to a top-secret beachfront location, Kent has decided to take the questionable risk of letting me be the guest buzzer for February 12th. I currently work as the College Activities and Greek Life intern at Linfield College while applying to MPA programs. Before working for Linfield, I workedRead… Read more »

Workforce and Power

The future workforce will require managers with higher level of humility and humanity. It is not too much of the technical but the solf skills–how to create a harmony workforce and how to understand and listen to employee concerns and find ways to resolve them a quickly as possible. Managers of the future must notRead… Read more »