Yearly Archives: 2013

508 Compliance- What you can learn from the Department of Veterans Affairs

On January 24, the Office of the President issued the memo: Strategic Plan for Improving Management of Section 508. As government becomes more digital, transparent and reliant on technology to share information with the public, it is important that electronic information be made available to all people, regardless of disability. Currently, how this is managedRead… Read more »

ECM in the Cloud? Not as Scary as You Think

Thoughts from my colleague Glenn on whether we should be afraid of the cloud…and how to cope and research! I distinctly recall the moment a few years ago when, as a bumbling new dad trying to calm down a very loud screaming baby boy in the foyer of a theatre, I was confronted by aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 08, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda California’s Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom talks with KQED about his book, Citizenville, in which he argues that hackers can improve government, and that government has to be more inviting to them. Speaking of: The City of Los Angeles has updated its Web site and launched a mobile app. And – The National AtmosphericRead… Read more »

The internet of things

To some of you, the phrase “internet of things” may be outdated (it was first used by Kevin Ashton in 1999) , to others it may be brand new. Regardless, prepare yourself to be over inundated with people throwing this term around as it rapidly gains popularity in the world of digital buzz phrases. DefinitionRead… Read more »

How to Get Citizens to Dig Each Other Out After a Snow Storm

On December 26, 2010 a #snowpocalypse dumped a ton of snow in the NY, NJ, CY tri-state area. In Newark NJ, as a result of the storm, something very cool happened. Mayor Booker’s (@CoryBooker) constituents began tweeting request for shoveling at him AND he responded and began digging people out. Cooler than that others startedRead… Read more »

LinkedIn hits two million – Infographic places Australia in that mix

In January this year LinkedIn reached 200 million active users globally, demonstrating that professional social networking is beginning to be recognised as being valuable alongside personal social networking. I’ve just been sent their ‘early adopter’ infographic, which unlike the infographic on LinkedIn’s blog (which gives great demographic breakdowns by profession), provides a view on theRead… Read more »

A Tale of Two Parties: Promoting Bipartisanship

Last week my friend at YGL Cara Ann Bumgardner wrote a blog about an awesome POLITICO event she attended that inspired her. She doesn’t have a GovLoop account, but wanted to share her experience: “One of my favorite DC pastimes is going to events–especially of the political persuasion. Washington is teeming with opportunities to notRead… Read more »

Your help needed: Crowdfunding the Tim Berners-Lee tour

Whether or not you attended one of the events given in Australia by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in his TBLDownunder tour, it’s likely his visit will have an impact on how Australian governments and their agencies think about openness, digital channels and online engagement. During his visit Sir Tim, the inventor of the world wide web,Read… Read more »