Yearly Archives: 2013

6 Feb CTOvision Podcast

By RyanKamauff In today’s podcast, I discuss some of the early mobile news of the week. Topics discussed include: Android 4.2.2 could roll out this month Google’s Big Potential Problem: The ‘Galaxy’ Brand is Starting to Beat the ‘Android’ Brand BlackBerry bribes — ah, rewards — app developers with a limited edition red Z10 WhyRead… Read more »

A counterpoint & follow-up to my post on: Should government agencies & councils be entitled to ban people from their social media channels?

Yesterday I blogged about Should government agencies & councils be entitled to ban people from their social media channels? The example I used related to a Twitter conversation I’d had with Peter Hinton, who had been blocked from Parramatta City Council’s Twitter account. As a Parramatta council resident and rate-payer he was concerned at hisRead… Read more »

“Service to ServiceMembers”

For 13 years, ACT-IAC’s Awards have recognized government programs – and government employees – for applying technology to improve government. In 2013, the 25 Finalists continue to demonstrate that government employees DO go the extra mile to get results. puts lie to stereotypes about government employees. One of the areas we can allRead… Read more »

More Cancellations for Government Events

by Allan Rubin, Vice President, Marketing My wife may disagree with this, but I take no great joy in saying “I told you so.” It’s no secret that events targeting government employees have fallen on tough times. We’ve used this space repeatedly to encourage immixGroup clients and channel partners to re-evaluate their event marketing plans.Read… Read more »

Just Show Up

If anyone has ever said to you that half the battle is just showing up, I think they’re right. I’ve written a blog post about the power of practice and Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours concept; and part of the reason just showing up is half the battle is that it gets you the repetitions requiredRead… Read more »

Trust: An Expression of Access and Influence

This morning, I attended a panel that spoke about a new report released by the communications firm, Edelman, entitled “2013 Edelman Trust Barometer.” The findings, especially those that pertain to US citizens, industries, and institutions, are striking. Who we trust now The Trust Barometer examined how various countries’ populations viewed a number of industries, includingRead… Read more »

The JobRaising Challenge: Disruption as a Public Service

This post is Code for America’s first in a series fo posts for Huffington Post, as part of the JobRaising Challenge, which is also sponsored by the Skoll Foundation. CfA is one of 74 finalists in the challenge. The non-profits who raise the most support online are eligible for additional funding and other support. InRead… Read more »

First pay your bills, then love your work

Follow this or any other website dealing with profesional life or organizational leadership and you quickly see a common theme of encourging individuals to focus on self actualization, leaders to focus on serving followers and employees to live their passion through their work. Doing the job, taking responsability for deliverables and earning a living appearRead… Read more »

Government Conferences Attacked: Is the Solution Virtual?

As you know, government conferences are under fire. Two officials have now resigned from the VA owing to excessive expenditures, rules are being tightened, and budgets are shrinking. So what is the future of government conferencing? Are they still necessary for the good of government? Yes says Theo Mayer. But in a different form. MayerRead… Read more »