Yearly Archives: 2013

Are the days of the U.S. mail numbered? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Click here for the full recap. As you know, government conferences are under fire. So what isRead… Read more »

Creating and Getting Assistant City Manager Positions

They are job titles that are becoming more elusive: Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Management Analyst Once thought as a succession planning pathway for the next generation of city managers, generalist mid-manager positions are often hard to come by as local governments forgo filling these roles during times of budget uncertainty. AlexRead… Read more »

Early And Late

Slow observed that golf bets are won before the first hole and after the eighteenth. I am ten minutes to an hour early for group meetings, depending on the meeting. If they are important enough for me to attend in the first place, I want to have sufficient time to work with everyone who hasRead… Read more »

Finding your true north: Leadership Principles for Agencies

We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. He told Chris Dorobek onRead… Read more »

Leading in the digital age

I’m hosting a webinar on the 20th to discuss effective communications and engagement strategies and how NationBuilder can help. If you’d like to join, RSVP here. Thanks! Related: Go, Government Efficiency Long Beach, SF, Bordentown: Pioneering digital democracy with NationBuilder Government New ‘Civitas’ theme released

New Industry Survey – Budget Impasse Already Severely Impacting Federal Contractors

The federal budget process has practically ground to a halt. Centurion Research Solutions recently conducted a survey of its clients to ascertain the impact of this impasse on their current and future business growth plans and, in some cases, financial survival. In a nutshell – the survey illustrates the drastic effects this situation is alreadyRead… Read more »

Agenda for Willamette Week Forum

ELGL Forum with Mark Zusman, Willamette Week Editor Meeting Agenda Can I Get a Ride? Willamette Week Editor Mark Zusman – February 6, 2013 – Lakewood Center, Lake Oswego Original post