Yearly Archives: 2013

The “1776″ Initiative Launches in Washington DC to Convene and Accelerate Startups in the Nation’s Capital

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Washington, DC’s startup community will have a new epicenter with the launch of 1776, a major multi-faceted initiative focused on helping entrepreneurs solve the country’s biggest problems. Located just blocks from the White House, 1776 will convene and accelerate startups by connecting them to the political, intellectual, social and financialRead… Read more »

Mainstream media takes first steps in adopting open data hacker culture

On Monday 4 February The Age hosted the Data Newsroom event, where teams had an opportunity to dig into three previously publicly unreleased datasets, Political party funding data, which lists what companies donate money to which political parties. A database that includes the archives of all Age articles along with key words and relationships betweenRead… Read more »

Government and Social Media: How Agencies Communicate with Hispanics via Facebook

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. In today’s blog on Government communication with Hispanics via Facebook, we will look at three main things; (1) which Facebook tabs are popular, (2) how many tabs do US Government agencies use, and (3) do these Spanish-language pages use third-party applications to post. For those of youRead… Read more »

Elected with Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, City of Milwaukie

In the new “Elected” feature we will add a much needed perspective to ELGL offerings. We will hear the opinions of key elected officials on the current state of play in government. Appropriately our first profile features ELGL member and Milwaukie Mayor Jeremy Ferguson. Mayor Ferguson is a familiar name to many of us fromRead… Read more »

The real Gigabit Challenge is getting ISPs to think like tech firms, The Web-Deprived Study at McDonald’s and more

By RyanKamauff Here are the top tech news and stories of the day. PBS tweet entices SuperBowl watchers to Downton Abbey: how it happened – During last night’s epic Super Bowl blackout, Marketing and Communications director of PBS, Kevin Dando, used Twitter to grab viewers for their network. The Super Bowl (the most watched televisionRead… Read more »

Infographic: The top government Twitter accounts in Australia

In January 2013 I found that the total tweets by all government agencies and councils in Australia I track had exceeded one million. As a reflection of that achievement I’ve worked through the data I have on the use of Twitter by government agencies and councils in Australia to produce the following infographic (scroll forRead… Read more »

The GSA Expo: To Be or Not To Be

Thought No. 2 of the “Thirteen Thoughts for 2013”: The GSA Expo: To be or not to be. The GSA Expo is a Myth-Busters event that brings government and industry acquisition professionals together to “continue the dialogue” on key issues and challenges facing the procurement system. The GSA Expo is the leading procurement training andRead… Read more »

Focus Frameworks

Last Friday I attended a fascinating presentation, Why Do People Do Stupid Things? by Thomas Hoffman of PScience Associates. There was a lot of meat in his presentation, and the most valuable idea I took away is that there are a half dozen exercises I can do before taking action that will improve my resultsRead… Read more »