Yearly Archives: 2013

Knight News Challenge on open gov launches Feb. 12

The Knight News Challenge on open government will run from Feb. 12 to March 18. It’s an opportunity to win part of the $5 million the Knight Foundation will use this year to support innovative projects. In a post on the Knight blog on Wednesday, John Bracken (Director of Journalism and Media Innovation at Knight)Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – Weekly Wrap Up

After a very modest two day pullback on Wednesday and Thursday, stocks rebounded on Friday after what appeared to be a weaker than expected jobs report where we actually saw the unemployment rate move back up to 7.9%, and 157,000 jobs being added, which was slightly lower than estimates. But large upward revisions to theRead… Read more »

The Virtual Real Estate Market

Many people might be surprised to find out there is a virtual real estate market and have had a hard time understanding how someone could pay money for something that you can’t physically touch like virtual land. Before visiting virtual worlds myself, I would not have believed people would pay money for something like that.Read… Read more »

Planning Strategically or A Strategic Plan?

What’s the distinction? A strategic plan is a project, initiated by others – e.g., the CEO, the Board, Department Head – with some input from the originator but little participation. Planning strategically is a team project, initiated by the leader of the team, with the leader’s input and participation. First thing to determine for eitherRead… Read more »

January Cyber War and Cyber Conflict Link Roundup

By Jose Nazario Wow, what a month. Two big stories to note: USCC is seeking to grow over 5x to 4900 people, and the NYTimes (and WSJ it seems) have been hacked, purportedly by the Chinese over their China coverage. In other news, a new discovery of the ‘Red October’ campaign filled the headlines, althoughRead… Read more »

1 Feb CTOvision Podcast

By RyanKamauff In this podcast, Bob and Ryan discuss some of the recent government and cyber news. OMB releases IT accessibility guidance German Activists Punch Out Big Brother’s Eyes Weatherford Outlines DHS Cybersecurity Goals DOE to invest $9 million in solar big data projects Navy delays NGEN decision to May US looks hard at ChinaRead… Read more »

By 2016, 70 percent of leading BI vendors will have incorporated natural-language and spoken-word capabilities.

By BobGourley Gartner projects that by 2016, 70 percent of leading BI vendors will have incorporated natural-language and spoken-word capabilities. This is consistent with things I have been learning from leaders in this space like Thetus, Cloudera and Datameer. Here is more from their 24 January 2013 release on the topic: By 2016, 70 percentRead… Read more »

Open for Business

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog. Just a quick note this morning to let everyone know that Intellitics is now officially open for business. We’re starting out focusing on two major areas: We’re building Zilino, a social software-as-a-service (SaaS) web application that enables public engagement practitioners to design, host and manage wellRead… Read more »

Diversity Change Agent Group

Thank you all for joining GovLoop! You also need to send a request to join the Diversity Change Agent Group before I can pull you in as a member and start sharing information with you. John