Yearly Archives: 2013

Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

02.01.13 Your Morning Buzz

Edward Koch, Former Mayor, Dies at 88 ELGL News and Notes Join ELGL: Students (free), individuals ($20), and organizations ($250) Welcome New Members: Kevin Vandenheuvel, OHSU – Emergency Medicine Department, EMS Liaison/Coordinator David Jones, Seton Hall University, International Professional Upcoming Forums: February 6: ELGL Forum with Mark Zusman, Willamette Week Editor March 1: ELGL ConferenceRead… Read more »

Knope of the Week: Megan Messmer, City of Florence

After a long holiday break including a brief jump off the fiscal cliff, the Knope of the Week is rested and ready to anoint the standouts in the local government arena for 2013. This year recipients will not only the incredible fame and glory associated with the award, but they will be recognized with aRead… Read more »

A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance at the National Press Club on February 21st

Deque Systems is hosting a free seminar titled “A Case Study in Real-World Section 508 Compliance: How the VA is deploying the largest section 508 program in government” at the National Press Club on February 21st. This seminar will present the inside story of how the VA is deploying the largest Section 508 Compliance programRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 31, 2013

This post has been updated to include a contribution from Michael Keegan. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Thinking about social media: It’s everywhere. Federal Agency Social Media Adoption Reaches Near Ubiquity It can save your life. ‘PulsePoint’ app, which helps people get lifesaving CPR, coming to L.A. The Canadians have something to teach us. 5 Lessons About SocialRead… Read more »

Not Another Hackathon?

“Not another hackathon!” Heard this lately? We have and we’d like to amend it: “Not another MEDIOCRE hackathon.” As hack events become more popular across the country (and ubiquitous in places with thriving tech communities) organizing one can seem daunting. But if you do it right, a productive hackathon can act as a catalyst forRead… Read more »

Infographic: Which federal politicians are tweeting?

I’m continuing to work on statistics around government agencies and politicians who use Twitter in Australia. Next week I’ll provide detailed statistics on agencies, however given the date of the next Federal election was announced this week, I thought I’d provide a little more information on which of our politicians are tweeting, using the infographicRead… Read more »

Meeting Citizens Where They Already Are- How to Improve Customer Service

If the average citizen is mobile and social, shouldn’t government services be as well to better serve them? This is the question government agencies have been working to address over the last few years. With initiatives like the Digital Government Strategy, which aims to provide citizens with high-quality digital information anywhere, anytime, and on anyRead… Read more »

Universities Save and Streamline by Automating Spend Management and Other Services

It’s not exactly news that universities are feeling the budget crunch, but what has been making headlines in recent years is the creative ways they’ve been consolidating services and administrative tasks. Whether through shared services spanning campuses or university systems, or deployment of solutions to handle invoice management, spend management, or e-procurement, higher education appearsRead… Read more »