Yearly Archives: 2013

CBO Tags Issa-Connolly IT Reform Bill at $145B

The Congressional Budget Office estimates a bill to amend laws regulating how the federal government acquires and manages information technology would cost nearly $145 billion to implement for fiscal years 2014 through 2018. That bill would use pay-as-you-go procedures for funding and agencies not affected by annual appropriations could feel effects on direct spending, CBORead… Read more »

What the Government Shutdown Taught Me

We’re all familiar by now with the impact the 2013 Government Shutdown had on government employees, the American people, and the economy. Just to recap a few statistics from the shutdown; 6.6 million days of lost work, $2 billion in back-pay costs, 120,000 private sector jobs lost, estimated decrease of fourth quarter real GDP ofRead… Read more »

2014 Leave Record Spreadsheet Plus FEHB Same-Sex Coverage

Our 2014 Leave Record & Scheduling Spreadsheet is now available for download to your desktop. Use it to automatically track your leave balances in all categories, annotate your schedule, and to establish realistic retirement target dates to maximize your benefits when you leave. This FREE spreadsheet automatically calculates your accrued annual and sick leave balances,Read… Read more »

Anselm Bradford: Why I’m Coding for America

When I moved overseas, had just launched in the U.S., and I found similar initiatives in New Zealand during my time there. Digital New Zealand, an initiative funded by the government, created web-based means for people to create mashups that make existing digital content from government and elsewhere more accessible. DigitalNZ and goesRead… Read more »

Don’t wait for opportunity to knock

I think one of the most important things you can do for yourself is take an active interest in career and search out the best opportunities for you to succeed. It’s critical that you keep your eyes and ears open as you progress through your career. While it’s great to be comfortable it’s also importantRead… Read more »

Cloud or Cloudy? Government’s Transition to Cloud Offerings

By Lyttleton Shurland, CPIC Analyst The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has required Federal agencies to adopt a “Cloud First” approach to evaluating options for new IT deployments. This was born out of the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management by Vivek Kundra, who was the US Chief Information OfficerRead… Read more »

A Technology Plan for a new Mayor

The City of Seattle just elected a new Mayor, Ed Murray. He’s not a technology guru, but nevertheless could rapidly harness tech to significantly improve municipal government in Seattle. This same sort of technology plan is really applicable to many cities and most governments. Here it is: 1. Appoint a Chief Innovation Officer. 2. JoinRead… Read more »

It’s Finally Here: The Citizen Engagement Tool Congress Has Been Waiting For

Here on GovLoop we’ve written and shared stories of how GIS has transformed executive level agencies. Yet, GIS is being used in more than just executive agencies. The legislative branch has also caught on to the power of GIS. Tim Petty, Deputy Legislative Director for Senator James Risch (R – Idaho), shared several examples ofRead… Read more »

How Popvox Can Improve National Dialogue

Marci Harris, founder of Popvox, recently spoke at a GovLoop and Esri meetup. Harris said, “We [Popvox] are a neutral, nonpartisan platform for civic engagement and legislative information.” Harris also provide insights to way she founded the company, “The idea of Popvox was to connect the world, advocacy groups, congress and people sharing their ideasRead… Read more »