Yearly Archives: 2013

Facebook Graph Search and the Variables: There’s a Difference Between “Like” and “like”

Since Graph Search was announced by Facebook, bloggers and digital nerds have been singing its praises and aggressively speculating on what other search engines/sites this new tool will take down (Google watch out! Yelp you’re going down! FourSquare don’t even think about it!). Through the buzz, I have remained cautious, and then I came acrossRead… Read more »

01.30.13 Your Morning Buzz

Digital Shorts Return to Saturday Night Live With “YOLO” ELGL News and Notes Join ELGL: Students (free), individuals ($20), and organizations ($250) Newest Members: Franziska Edwards, City of Beaverton, Project Specialist Fern Elledge, Portland State University, MPA Student Upcoming Forums: February 6: ELGL forum with Mark Zusman, Willamette Week Editor The High Five 5 WaysRead… Read more »

The Washington Post Debuts A Real-Time Political Lie-Detector Prototype Named “Truth Teller”

Lewis Shepherd (Reston, VA) — I like writing about cool applications of technology that are so pregnant with the promise of the future, that they have to be seen to be believed, and here’s another one that’s almost ready for prime time. The Washington Post today launched an exciting new technology prototype invoking powerful newRead… Read more »

New CRM-based Case Management Streamlines INTERPOL Washington Investigations

Microsoft Corp. (Washington, DC) — INTERPOL Washington — the American branch of the International Criminal Police Commission — supports almost 18,000 U.S. law enforcement agencies and 189 member countries seeking assistance in investigations of fugitives, financial fraud, drug violations, terrorism and violent crimes. A new solution built on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Customer Relationship Management)Read… Read more »

Collaboration for the Intelligence Community? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Center for Effective Government it’s the new name for OMB Watch. So what other changes come with the title change? And what can we expect out of Government in 2013? Insights from Katherine McFate. Click here for the full recap. But First: U.S. intel community focuses on integration and collaboration IntegratingRead… Read more »

We the People vs the Original One Percent

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal,” but what happens thereafter is subject to circumstance. When it comes to the concept of the “One Percent,” which emerged in the collective consciousness out of the Occupy Movement, perhaps for the words “all men” and “equal” are nuanced terms. In theRead… Read more »

Eight business models for government open data

Alex Howard has written an excellent article over at the O’Reilly Radar listing eight business models for government open data, a handy list for those in government agencies attempting to justify to senior management or Ministers why releasing government data is important and valuable. The models listed in Alex’s article, Open data economy: Eight businessRead… Read more »

6 Body Language Tips for Interviewing

As we mention frequently, people make snap decisions about you based on first impressions. It’s important that you present a positive total package to a potential employer. One aspect of that is body language. Many of the judgments that interviewers make about you are subconscious – they don’t even realize they are judging you whenRead… Read more »

Getting the most out of the Fellowship

The Peer Network is designed to encourage the sharing of innovation best practices between municipalities. With the 2013 Fellowship cities and counties preparing for the fellows arrival, what better place to start than how to get the most out of the Fellowship? We recently asked Nigel Jacob, co-director of the Mayor’s Office of New UrbanRead… Read more »

Exposing Government

In his first term of office President Obama pledged to shed light upon the shadow of our veiled government. To bring transparency to the executive branch. He issued policies that added greater exposure of government documents though new mediums. Although initially successful, Obama’s Open Government is still far from complete and requires more attention fromRead… Read more »